I think too - it is the biggest lesson in life to control our mind by our heart and not vica versa.
We have to focus on what we want to be and how we can reach this. If we lose this selfguide we easily become just that what others see in us. It is much work to remind ourselfs of this and of course it is much easier to swim with the stream of daily life - our whole life.
Also like you've said, hard times will force to push us down. True strength is to stay up and enjoying every minute in our life.
Since everything is connected in a spiritual way - we can see the joy of life in every single thing around us.
I dont know why @rational-95 does not understand your message. You described everything pretty well imo.
I don't see what you mean. Control your emotions, but embrace everything? How to eliminate things that are not me?
Try this. But ofcourse, you'll need some Time :P
Ok, thnx but I still dont see what you mean by controling emotions
Alright, did you watch your friend at my stream-podcast?
No, but I think I might have heard what happened, you mean the one a few months ago?
Such an emotional speech. Thanks for sharing!
I think too - it is the biggest lesson in life to control our mind by our heart and not vica versa.
We have to focus on what we want to be and how we can reach this. If we lose this selfguide we easily become just that what others see in us. It is much work to remind ourselfs of this and of course it is much easier to swim with the stream of daily life - our whole life.
Also like you've said, hard times will force to push us down. True strength is to stay up and enjoying every minute in our life.
Since everything is connected in a spiritual way - we can see the joy of life in every single thing around us.
I dont know why @rational-95 does not understand your message. You described everything pretty well imo.
Thanks for this video!
I'll try but sometimes......