How do I let the resistance of money go?

in #esoteric7 years ago

I Am learning about the Law of Attraction.
I am able to understand and really feel the truth of the concept. The more I resist something, the more it persists. What I have much trouble with, is letting go of my resistance to being hungry and homeless, more specifically to my children being hungry and homeless.
My monkey mind wants to tell me that this laissez-faire, woo-woo stuff isn't gonna keep the lights on or buy the teenager new shoes. My monkey mind tries to tell me I am not worthy of personal freedom. It tells me that life is just a survival grind, and that is all there is.
Here's the problem: My intuitive heart centered self knows that is a lie. There is more. I can feel it on the outskirts of my awareness. Sometimes, at my most mellow, I can almost SEE it. I have always known there was more to this existence than what is placed in front of our faces. I remember knowing it when I was a child. It is why I am and have always been different, outcast, misunderstood and dismissed. Liberal! Nutjob! Space case! lol.. I am none of these things, but the experience of being labelled has served me well in my quest for self understanding and self worth.
I know things they don't know, because in seeking acceptance I have gone places they could not imagine, reached depths and cobwebby corners of my soul that might have gone another lifetime untouched had I been the perfect fit. There are many things like this in my life.
I cannot walk up to a stranger and say" I was a heroin addict for 5 years, a pill head for 10, and because of that I have found great self understanding and a spiritual awakening that sets my course on literally a different timeline and dimension from that which I was born on. Ha! Can you imagine the face of that lady at the busstop? :) The stigma makes it difficult to even discuss let alone be taken seriously when I say that recovering from drug addiction was the catalyst to my direct connection with God (big G.), who is also me. I am a recovering H addict, I am poor and trapped in a slavery paradigm that I am helping this plane ascend out of with my energetic contributions because I Am imbued with the powers of God...because I AM God. Take that Busstop Lady!
And yet.. I have experienced struggle where faith and money are concerned. The shit of it is knowing you are drawing to yourself the things you fear most, by fearing them.
I'm working on it.


many blessings to you! to overcome addiction is major and you deserve the peace being free comes with!