Sigil says:
People of Earth: put down your worldly narcissistic plans and pay attention to Nature. Stop throwing things away. There is no Away to throw things. If you cannot use the whole package do not buy the product. Find a way - with your Higher Source, to live without this practice. Put down distractions. Pay attention. Love your brother, don’t own him. Understand that every creature is alive and has an assignment here that is not human driven.
This is NOT a typical Sigil that I would do. It is not what I would suggest regarding how to make a Sigil. This Sigil is a Message which came to me from doing a 4-Point Coning and I received it from the Nature Spirits.
Here's a closeup of the Sigil:
Here's a closeup of the flask:
Here's a closeup of the fire:
Here's the reference I am using:
Post about this reference:
Next, I will color in the drawing and I will collage the background, using encaustic wax medium and put the whole thing together.
Previous Posts
fascinating. So you have overcome your creative block then!
Yes. In one day, no less. Isn't that interesting. I just went ahead and asked the Nature Spirits for help and now I am quite sure that if I follow their directions, and do a 4-point coning if I get stuck again, or after each piece, they will provide me with the next piece.
I had already drawn the girl in the flask before I did the meditation. All I have to do is be willing to address the material they send me. The problem with that is, that I also have to look at the stuff I throw away. I have already been collecting a lot plastic bags and ironing them together in hopes to make a substrate for art, but I am not "there" yet. This message that they sent me for others I also have to apply to myself.
All of the materials I use are recycled, except for paper, pens and pencils. The pens are plastic ball-points - I will have to figure out a way to use them too.
If I am going to follow the Nature Spirits guidance and be un-stuck then I have the moral obligation to walk my talk. If I could have been unstuck by people wanting Sigil art then I could have gotten away with not looking at this reality which is like a tsunami of plastic...
But yes, I traded my comfort for a new access to ideas for art, but with Great Power comes Great Responsibility.
i noticed on the previous post that you had a phrase with the letters crossed out. Does each letter represent a line or symbol in the sigil?
yes, in a way - really you could find all the letters of the statement in the sigil. The sigil is a symbol made up of the letters of a statement - usually a positive statement of intention - in this case it is slightly different - it was a message. Here is a good explanation
A powerful Sigil ! And very nicely drawn :) I think it carries a very good message <3
hey thanks @veryspider! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a nice comment.