Deep Relaxation Ritual for Spiritual and Occult Practitioners

in #esoteric2 years ago


The Importance of Deep Relaxation for Spiritual and Occult Practitioners

As spiritual and occult practitioners, we are constantly seeking ways to deepen our connection with the unseen world and tap into our inner wisdom. However, in order to do this effectively, it is essential that we first learn how to deeply relax our physical bodies. This is because the physical body and the spiritual body are interconnected, and tension in the physical body can create blockages that prevent us from accessing our inner wisdom and spiritual power.

When we experience deep relaxation, our bodies activate the "relaxation response," a state of physical and psychological relaxation that can help to restore balance to our mind and body. During this state, our bodies release tension, our heart rate slows down, and our breathing becomes more regular and deep. This, in turn, triggers the release of feel-good hormones, such as endorphins, and reduces levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol.

In addition to reducing physical and emotional stress, the relaxation response has been shown to have a positive effect on various aspects of health, such as reducing anxiety and depression, lowering blood pressure, and improving sleep quality. This is because when our bodies are relaxed, we create an environment that is conducive to healing, both physically and emotionally.

Deep relaxation can also have a profound effect on our spiritual development. When we are relaxed, our minds become calm and still, and we are better able to access our inner wisdom and intuition. This can help us to develop our psychic abilities, such as divination and astral travel, and deepen our connection with the spirit world.

In conclusion, for those who are into spirituality and the occult, learning how to deeply relax the body is an essential part of spiritual growth and development. By triggering the relaxation response, we can reduce stress, promote healing, and deepen our connection with the spiritual realm. So, take some time to incorporate relaxation into your daily routine and see how it can transform your spiritual practice.


Relaxation Ritual

Find a comfortable place to lie down or sit. Make sure you are warm and supported, using a blanket or pillow if needed. You can also play soft music or use a guided meditation recording if you wish.

Feet: Start by focusing on your feet. Take a deep breath and release any tension you may be holding in your feet. Imagine a warm, relaxing energy flowing into your feet, loosening any tight muscles and calming any discomfort.

Back and Shoulders: Gradually move your focus up your back, imagining the warm energy flowing up your legs and through your lower back. Focus on your shoulders, imagining the warm energy flowing through your shoulders and arms, loosening any tension or tightness. As you exhale, release any tension in your back and shoulders and allow yourself to sink deeper into relaxation.

Arms: Move your focus to your arms, imagining the warm energy flowing down your arms and into your hands. Let any tension or stress in your arms melt away.

Head and Scalp: Move your focus to the top of your head, imagining the warm energy flowing over your scalp and into your temples. Let any tension or stress in your head and scalp melt away.

Throat: Now focus on your throat, imagining the warm energy flowing down your neck and into your throat. Allow yourself to relax and release any tension in this area.

Chest: Move your focus to your chest, imagining the warm energy flowing into your chest and heart. Take a few deep breaths, feeling the warmth and relaxation spreading throughout your chest and upper body.

Belly: Finally, focus on your belly, imagining the warm energy flowing down into your abdomen. Allow yourself to let go of any tension in your belly and let it relax completely.

End of the Ritual:

When you are finished, take a few deep breaths and become aware of your body and surroundings. Give yourself a moment to enjoy the feeling of relaxation before gradually moving back into your day.

Repeat this ritual at least once per day.

Note: All artwork above created by @JeremyCrow


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Glad you're back!

Thanks! It's good to be back. :)
I've been working on some things in the background for the past few years and am ready to start sharing it, so keep your eyes peeled for more upcoming posts!