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RE: Practical Angel Magick: Steem Magick Group Ritual Part 2-- Performing The Ritual

in #esoteric8 years ago

I can gladly get a translation for you. The Hebrew part is primarily one of the psalms. As far as them being emissaries of enlil and/or enki, the "god" referred to here is basically the entire universe. Most akin to the Hermetic concept of The All. From a kabbalistic standpoint it would be Ein Soph and all the Sefiroth. The concept of Ayin would also be relevant. It is the whole undivided and these angels are aspects of the Oneness.


@jphenderson I really appreciate your taking the time to write this to me - please tell me where you read this - I have been dilligently seeking this information for a long while - and have not been able to read about it... I would hope that is true but that old testament god attributed to the Hebrews does not seem like "God" or the All - it seems like a mean motherfucker I would not want to know. I think it is probably that our version of the old testament is written in code because of the placement or misplacement of the vowels - but i have no idea how to find this out...and I am very wary of practicing something I do not understand...thanks again...

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this... It's not information you will find in one convenient source. Even if you did it would take years of research and experience to understand it. There's multiple things going on in the Old Testament and in some respects they are talking about at least 2 separate ideas when they talk about "God". On one hand, the Old Testament tells the stories of a people exposed first to the Sumerian then the Egyptian Mysteries. On one level these mysteries are encoded in symbolic form as a sort of metaphor within the writings. On this level the "God" they are referring to is what I was referring to as the Hermetic concept of The All. On another level, there were people who took it too literally and this invited one or more lower beings to pretend they are this "god" and vamp off the people. This is why it seems like such an asshole. These ideas are all jumbled up for many reasons. For one thing, these were word of mouth stories for thousands of years before they were ever written down. Add to that mistranslations from one translation to the next and manipulation from everyone from the Babylonians to the Roman Catholics and what is in our Bibles today is so far from the original ideas that it's hard to get the truth from it. Aspects of that are both intentional and unintentional. It's taken many decades of research and experience on how things are and work in the unseen realms to figure out what was really going on in the old testament. I wouldn't spend too much time trying to figure out the Old Testament. The angels aren't unique to Judeo-Christianity for one thing and neither is Kabbalah. The names of God are formulas as are the names of the angels that are derived from it and these are aspects of the One. This is what we are working with in the rituals and that is what is important from a practical perspective.

thank you @jphenderson - I really appreciate this and your taking the time to help me reason this out. I don't think the "bible" is real either - it's like misinformation - but I read in John Baynes the Stellar Man his theory of how Moses was trying to save the Jews from slavery and he called in some super dark entity which expelled the living spirit of the earth and started to take over - it made sense to me - then Moses goes and tells the other wise guys of the time about his mistake and they call in "Jesus" to fix their error but He doesn't and instead the earth now has split ownership... I like the story - it resonates with me - and so it freaks me out - these entities and "calling them in".