hmmmm I know of it, I have not read it. Contrary to the name of my blog, I am not a fan of the Indigo/Crystal movement, or well, I am not a fan of how it is being handled/what has become of it. There is a sense of superiority with some, not all, but a lot of people who identify as such or identify significant others as such. I got pulled into it all in my late teens/early twenties, made to believe I was special and also able to influence others much senior to my self in age and stature simply because they saw me as some kind of special. In any kind of spiritual development class/workshop 'special' people can say anything and most of the room will not question or refute it because that person has come to save us and we must follow them.
And indigo/crysatl/lightworkers/starseeds/rainbow people are all people operating in the same biophysical operating system and filter mechanism- the brain- as everyone else. We are influenced by our dark subconscious, mass conditioning, bad parenting, broken hearts, diseases, spiritual amnesia, toxins, addictions, we didn't land here immune to any of this, or on some spiritual pedestal. We merely came here exhibiting some subtle differences which started to raise eye brows and hopefully spark a quest of seeking thus awakening. But what I have observed all over the world , or at least the western world, is an obsession with indigo/crystal children/adults and all the other terms. And people forgetting that what you have identified in those individuals are merely precursors, an indication that there is something more to explore but they must do the work and unravel all their distortions to truly be able to bring forth spiritual assistance. We have many many truly awakened individuals on this earth who have really awakened to their mission and are nailing it! But we also see many many many idiots spouting 'truth' who have no idea how to distinguish between their own imagination and a connection to something external, they thrive on the attention, and mostly are genuinely good caring people with very good intentions, don't get me wrong, but have not really worked on their awakening process. They have been lead to believe they arrived in this state and so already know the miracle answers. This is just inherently wrong. This gives the media plenty of fuel to ridicule any possible idea that maybe something is changing, maybe there is something to the light workers/indigo/crystal movement. Most of the general public think this stuff is woo woo and can find plenty of evidence to support that, which leaves people like me resorting to anonymous blogging because the people who are my nearest and dearest would literally think i am insane if i openly discussed my mind and experiences, and i need an outlet.
Granted, I have not read the book and so i have totally judged this book by its cover, and if I am totally wrong and there is more to it than that, then please enlighten me :)
I am worried this post will sound more passive aggressive than it is, if we were having this conversation in person you would see that i am not angry i am just very passionate about this and feel very strongly that it needs to be spoken about.
The name myindigoinsight was chosen because i knew i would attract many like minded individuals with it who would be interested in some of what i have to share, and maybe i can help them to question things a bit more, and really seek personal spiritual truth, not following anyone else into theirs.
I am aware this is really long, but i didn't want to skim over the book a second time, that would just be rude! So i've gone off on a massive tangent! Haha! Sorry! :)
Haha i appreciate that☺
That book was recommended to me as i had difficulty understanding a friend's gifts, which i find very helpful and opened my eyes to different gifts some people have.
From what you've written, then you don't need to read it, you already know more than it contains.
As for the others, you are right, you have different maturities, environments, upbringings and what not. At this stage, you can discern who to step away from and who to stick a way that personal growth is achievable.
Am confused lols..i hope i said correctly on what i meant to say. I don't have any gifts same as yours, but i find that am open to a lot of things. Hit me on discord sometime, i got ears to listen.
Lola.Imma #3544
I think you typed it perfectly :). Ah said 'I don't have gifts the same as yours'..............That is very true, but I don't have gifts the same as yours, you're a cardiac nurse, so you are a healer, your healing modality is nursing, it is not only your medical knowledge which has led you to this job. Your personality would have come in with certain traits, your energy carrying a certain frequency, a service to others role. Seemingly psychic experiences are not the only kinds of 'gifts' that Indigo folk come in with, musicians who can write amazing music and inspiring lyrics to plant seeds in the minds of the masses, nurses who inspite of the terrible work and pay conditions still stay on the service to self path, healing their patients on a far deeper level than physical. There are so many of them all over the globe brought up in all kinds of religions and conditions doing all kinds of jobs, many of them not displaying any kind of apparent psychic ability, but an amazing empathy to truly touch another person, or a leader who can lead a crowd in a peaceful protest. You most likely are one, most of the people in the natural medicine group probably are too! Which is awesome we can all chat and share ideas- we're all here with unique qualities to help and grow during this time, and it's about time everyone started realising it. :)
Haha well mine is certainly different lols...but we were talking about yours😂🤣 See you on discord😊