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RE: Consciousness Rising Part 2: Surfing The Frequency Waves Of A Holographic Reality

in #esoteric6 years ago (edited)

Hey dude, thanks for stopping by and thank you. Yes I realise with your gnostic leanings that this concept may be in opposition and that equally it is in opposition to many belief systems, from my perspective this idea would run behind our physical perceptual reality and so in essence the beliefs/religions of others could still be valid .. although I won't comment on which one is valid, somewhere in the holoverse perhaps they all are :D I will add that I have framed this as a hypothetical philosophy and not a statement of fact .. indeed in my abstractions series I have offered differing perspectives.

But in all seriousness, it's my belief (as displayed in the attached image) that we have been manipulated into an inverted state of being and so are following an inverted evolutionary path, a path that threatens to draw us into perpetual enslavement. It is my belief that the entire direction of human society/history has been manipulated to take us to this point .. a slight of hand that has disconnected us from spirit, because if we have no spirit then what have we to lose from connecting ourselves to the techno control grid. Whatever your thoughts on religion .. the age we live in is biblical, the mark of the beast etc etc .. and like you allude to, I don't feel that is a coincidence. Thanks again @andrewmarkmusic


Hey, my friend, it would be silly of me to ask anyone not to believe what they are espousing but I think it's the right move to frame even deeply held beliefs as philosophical speculation. So kudos to you for being willing to do so.
Judaism and Hinduism are the most fully loaded when it comes to supernatural tales. Yet, from our vantage today all those stories appear to be fictional and not based in reality. Certainly, no one is demonstrating any supernaturalism anywhere on earth today. I've suggested that perhaps God and Satan (whatever they are) agreed to end all supernatural manifestations for this age and there is scriptural justification for such a notion. Having said that, I view scripture and most religion as tools of a Demiurge type figure.
I've recently had a convo with a Theravadin monk and he suggested that if these archons succeed then it was our karma to suffer such a fate. Yikes!
On subtle energies: to my knowledge,​ there is still no empirical evidence that they are real and certainly no evidence that they are the mechanics of a soul. And I'm quite sure it's 100% no evidence to date which would make this aspect of spirituality complete metaphor and myth. Wilber has posted a postmetaphysical hypothesis some time ago on subtle energies.

There are things I know, I feel .. equally, I have many beliefs .. but I'm aware of the nature of belief and how the mind works, so I'm not dogmatic about them. Equally, the way I work is to write ideas down (with as much detail as possible) and flesh them out .. to express them aloud as opposed to internally. It helps me work things through, to observe how all the components slot together .. or don't . As I'm writing here, I may as well do that on the blockchain. In the context of transhumanism (and the impending part 3) I want to explore the power of unrestrained imagination .. explore what a gift that is, to see if I can formulate ideas that will later become golden. :) I don't feel that we will ever receive concrete evidence of spirituality and so there comes a time where you follow intuition and personal experience. Plus you know, if science came out tomorrow and definitively declared we have no spirit .. I still wouldn't believe them lol .. I follow my own path, always have and always will .. as a child I made a promise to follow my own perceptualflaws (because I understand that everyone is perceptually flawed) and see where it led me .. here I am. decades later .. staying true to my words, and what a ride it's been :)