Hey my friend, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. It's my belief that the one world religion will be a religion based upon the teachings of artificial intelligence. I also believe the groundwork for this is being laid all around us.
In terms of environmental damage I believe each of the elite's has their own private organic greenhouses that supply them with clean food. I also believe that most of the properties they own sit atop natural springs/aquifers. The medical knowledge and indeed medicines supplied by their private doctors are far superior to ours. In terms of air born particles and future nano-tech I believe they are conducive to an acidic environment and so the alkalination of the body is key. I will expand on this in future posts .. thanks again @johano
Thanks again. That is a lot to think over. Never thought about AI in connection with religion. I have to ponder about it a bit more.
For a not native English speaker it is a joy to read your blog.