Hey @lyndsaybowes thank you for stopping by. Personally, I feel the sense of abandonment that some feel is down to a decision we've taken as a collective, it has disconnected us from spirit and then the disconnection has been passed down through the generations and build up as subconscious resentment, we are out of balance. If we have free will then by its nature it can't be interfered with. Thank you so much for highlighting that sentence .. I missed a word "duality" .. god is not separate from us but transcended from duality. I'll tell you why I don't agree with Mark Passio on a couple of points next week ;)
Thanks .. I'm just scratching the surface :D I'll be going as soon my face has stopped swelling .. it will be a present to myself :D Thanks again my friend.
Heal swiftly and I look forward to reading more expanding on your amazing ideas... <3