Thank you for getting back to me. I suppose the concept of letting ourselves go has (for me) a dual meaning. Firstly I tend to feel that if we remain true to ourselves and allow it, life wants to carry us in a certain direction i.e the river of life. Our minds often overanalyse and in turn complicate this process and as such we often find ourselves swimming against our river and our path. From this persepctive flowing with the river of life comes from understanding ourselves and feeling/knowing the direction life (or indeed the great spirit) wants to take you in. This can only really be achieved once you've managed to strip away the societal and perceptual control mechanisms that have been built around us. Indeed from a societal perspective to follow ones heart as opposed to ones head would suggest a division, but do the two really need to offer alternative choices?
I believe a balanced mind, body and soul also unlocks higher levels of instinct and intuition and as such it's this balance that enables us to navigate said river. Indeed heart and head (or mind, body, soul) held in perfect unison often seek the same goal and as such are a powerful force. This is a potential unity that exists within all of us, but alas many remain divided from themselves and each other. I suppose in some ways the fracturing and division we see in society is a physical manifestation of this internal process.
And secondly, when I think of a human brain I actually perceive it as three brains
1)Firstly we have the physical mass of the brain.
2)If our minds were placed under the microscope we could zoom in closer and begin to see a second brain of atoms.
3)If were able to journey into the brain at a sub atomic level we would see it’s third manifestation, the quantum brain.
It's my belief that consciousness is held within the quantum/divine field and as such we could be viewed as droplets in an infinite sea, although "we are not a drop in the ocean, we are the mighty ocean in a drop". Our physicality anchors us in one place and holds us within a bubble, it's not until the bubble bursts that we once again become at one with the ocean. Equally I believe that within each of us there exists the ability to enter (at least to a degree) these higher levels of consciouness. In fact it's my understanding that through writing and artstic endeavours many people (mostly without their knowledge) are already accessing this energetic field. Indeed even from a scientific perspective many of humanities greatest leaps forward have not occured through repetition but have been gifted by a series of eureka moments, entire ideas and concepts seemingly plucked from the air.
I suppose letting yourself go in the moment is a predetermined desire to bypass and rise above the constraints of mind and perception in order to reach this state of higher awareness and intuition. Accessing these higher states of consciouness comes from understanding the difference between ego and self and indeed the level of ego dissolution required to hear self and thus become one with consciousness. Sadly these moments are indeed transient and so I agree entirely that there is a far bigger rabbit hole. To varying degrees we are and will remain to be prisoners of perception.
In a multitude of ways an increasing problem is that many of us are also becoming prisoners of other peoples perception. Handing away our intuition and instinct and thus allowing society (and a neverending stream of "experts") to define both our sense of the possible and the boundaries of the impossible. Yes to a degree this has occured since the dawn of humanity but the evolution of our connectivity now appears to be ushering us into some form of hiearchical hive mind.
In many ways the "first thought" criterion works to a much greater degree in the context of conversation, the moment. Writing will always require contemplation and thought, although (as you display) you can still remain true to the initial thought process/spark that started said work.
As a connected aside to what I've already written, I believe that in many ways we (as a species) are both feeding from and feeding the universal mind. Our thoughts and actions have the potential and power to affect and perhaps infect the collective psyche of humanity.
Thank you,
I think I should write a post so we can continue a bit there.