@perceptualflaws, wow, wow,wow!!!! To respond accordingly i would need to write as much as you did, and you have inspired me again to write my truth.....I have been on this same journey which is called deconstruction from religion...As a pentecostal christian gripped by fundemental christianity, and driven by guilt, shame, and condemnation i was brought to,utter darkness in addiction and eventually prison for a non violent drug related crime....In this dark place God began to teach me through my lens of christianity about grace and love which led to a monent in time where I had my greatest spiritual experience ever....It was as if a source of energy was charged through me so intense it almost hurt....From my belly to the top of my head, i now believe it was similar to kundalini.....After this i began through study and meditation the deconstruction of fundemental christianity or religion.....Learning the devil and hell were not even really properly taught and werent real, and then learning about the history of AD70 and that the bible was simply mistranslated and misinterpreted history book writtem to jews for jews.....The true message of Yeshua of Nazareth was the Oneness, God Withinh, the Kingdom of God within, unconditional love(Agape)...This is a very short version, our message is important, you are a true prophet my friend......Much Love Blessings❤
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Thank you so much for your kind words my friend I really do appreciate it and I'm so glad you were able to take something from my most. Equally sorry for the late reply but I caught your message just as I was heading for bed and then I was out to work at the crack of dawn. Like yourself I have seen the good, bad and ugly that this world has to offer and whilst I was never a bad person (again like yourself) good people can sometimes lose their way in this world of illusion and mixed messages. I sometimes think you have to travel through the dark night in order to appreciate and indeed bathe in the light. And yes indeed fundamentalism of any nature is never meant to complete us or sate our appetite for the unity and oneness we instinctively feel.
When I used to hear the words "your body is a temple" I thought of this concept in a purely physical sense but now I realise how profound and misinterpreted the phrase actually is. We are a conscious manifestation of every process taking place in the known universe,and at a spiritual, quantum level we are the universe. Atoms vibrating at a frequency dense enough to accumulate mass, when the atoms cease to vibrate our consciousness is once again freed to become part of the oneness, the infinate sea. And so yes from that perspective it would seem ludicrous to suggest that the answers and the balance we seek does not lay within each of us. Indeed to question is to grow but fundamentalism teaches us that to question is wrong? Equally although the answers lay within each of us we all need to find a way to lift each other for to empower humanity is to empower ourselves. Thanks again for the great comment @positivechange10 and please do write your truth for it's as valid as anything I could ever say.
T_re-A-SURE_S .. = .. AC(cure)AT .. CELL-F .. ME_A-sure-ME'nT !!! - )))
ha ha - )))
YOU are the .. P_arT of 'me' .. T(ha)T'S YOU - )))
i AM .. the P_arT of 'you' .. T(ha)T'S ME - )))
(YO)U_N_i-VERSE - ALL - ))))))))))))))))
= ap.PARENT .. or .. FUN_da_MENTAL - ))))))))))))))))
i love BOTH - ))))))))))
but .. the most satisfaction .. !!! !!! !!!
... (co)M(es) from the ClaritY .. of NOW = fun_DA_me(NT)al - )))
lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )
I look forward to reading more of your posts!