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This article is a follow-up to my introductory article to French researcher Anton Parks, author of The Chronicles of the Gírkù and numerous essays.
The Phenomenon of Anton Parks: has Anton Parks, French self-educated author, produced in Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres an epic accounting, a mythology, a saga of science fiction and heroic fantasy, or a "history" book? Parks' work remains unclassifiable as it poses the essential questions: what was happening on the earth before the coming of man? What led to and provoked the advent of the human civilizations? The author of Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres enthralls thousands of readers around the world with his epic report on the origin of human civilization. But let us not be mistaken: in this novelistic form, Parks may have restored to us our true genesis, that which figures in the Sumerian texts, clairvoyantly decrypted and presented without complexity.
-- Nexus Magazine (French Edition) Nos. 43-44, Spring-Summer 2006
We are the fruit of complex interactions with extraterrestrial entities that we have long taken for the "Gods". Far from the paradigms of Darwinism and creationism, Parks proposes an exogenesis of humanity based on the decryption of great fundamental myths, but also on Sumerian and biblical texts. A fascinating voyage to our ultimate origins.
-- Karmapolis in Nexus Magazine (French Edition) No. 50, May-June 2007
Anton Parks is a Franco-German writer, specialized in ancient oriental cultures. His series The Chronicles of the Gírkù recounts, in narrative form and detailed research work, the origins of humanity from the perspective of the "gods" of our mythologies.
Since aged 14, in 1981, Anton Parks has spontaneously been receiving a great deal of coherent information on our past and the extraterrestrial origins of the "gods" of our traditions. Exactly twenty years later, Anton embarked on the writing of his Chronicles series which presents the story of the most ancient civilization, Sumer, which has led to our current modern society.
... It took some time to put order into all this history -- the different personages and their characters, their numerous names, the different races, the planets, the dimensions -- all that had not been clear at the beginning, especially since I was receiving the information via these disordered "flashes". Order and comprehension came naturally over the course of years, without doubt due to the growing amount of information that I was able to accumulate.
And there was this sensation of "déjà-vu", of knowing or recognizing the personalities of the players.
It is a world apart, truly separate from ours, but so alive and, in spite of all, so close to us in many ways...
I discovered by chance the Sumerian literature very late, toward the end of 1999 and the beginning of 2000. Yes, that was a shock and above all a supreme motivation for me to write the Chronicles.
Certain places described in the Mesopotamian documents, and most of the the principal personages, are relatively in accord with what I received, but the tablets lack many details and numerous elements... and in fact not all is in accord with my "visions". The warp and woof of the story that I relate are found however on some clay tablets; this is why I have no doubt this "capacity" to interpret the symbolism of the Mesopotamian documents.
-- Anton Parks in Nexus Magazine (French Edition) No. 50, May-June 2007
Anton Parks originated the theory that the Sumerian language is a coding system - of which the discovery process he expounded in his Chronicles series. At the end of 2005, soon after the first publishing of The Secret of the Dark Stars (volume I of The Chronicles of the Gírkù), the author was contacted by Marcello G. Martorelli and Steve Currey who were preparing an expedition to the Noth Pole and offered him to join their team as an expert in the Gina'abul (proto-Sumerian) language; the expedition was aborted following the untimely death of Steve Currey.
From 2006, Anton Parks' work seriously caught the attention of scientist Gerry Zeitlin (an energy engineer involved in the SETI project) who devoted, until his death at the end of 2014, a substantial amount of time to produce a thorough study of volumes I & II of The Chronicles of the Gírkù. Gerry and his wife Malou - who had a background in intelligence and aerospace - found both in The Chronicles of the Gírkù information they already knew and wanted to promote on their (now defunct) Open SETI website.
Anton Parks is also the author of numerous successful essays. In 2009, he published The Testament of the Virgin, a research book in which he reveals the Egyptian origins of the New Testament and develops a new theory about the hydroelectric and electromagnetic operation of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
In 2011, Anton Parks focused on the study of facsimiles by Georges Barton dating back to 1918, reproducing Sumerian texts considered to be the most ancients to date. In the resulting essay Eden, the author, by re-translating several clay tablets (the Harsag tablets, exhumed more than a century ago in Nipur, Irak) which had been overlooked by most specialists, not only retraced the story of our origins and the biblical garden, but also showed that the Genesis is a distorted recount of a distant event of our primitive human past.
In 2012, Anton Parks established his own publishing company Pahana Books, in order to publish his new books and republish revised editions of the previous ones. This allows him to enjoy total control on the editing and publishing of his work.
... We then asked Anton Parks to decompose the words Pahana and Hopi using the proto-Sumerian syllabary. He made us the following answer:
"Pahana is undoubtedly a Sumerian word, which decomposition offers us this translation: Pabanna (PAB-ANNA: "the Brother of the Sky" or "the Elevated Brother" or more simply "the Great Brother", it is also how he is named by the Hopis, the doubt is therefore not permitted). I think that the B disappeared with time and was replaced with an H to preserve the separation between the two A's. The double N disappeared, although it is still present in several Hopi clans. Do not forget that it is a matter of phonetics and that the pronunciation of certain words has changed over time. You also asked me to translate the word HOPI in Sumerian. HOPI is the abbreviation of HOPITU-SHINUMU ("peaceful people" or merely "people of peace"). It is again old Sumerian, there is no doubt. Decomposed phonetically, it gives: HU ("bird" - the O doesn't exist in Sumerian); PI or PE (old Akkadian particle of the Sumerian period: "understanding", "knowledge"); TU ("to give birth", "to generate", "to form") or TÚ ("to transport", "to bring"). HU-PI-TU is translated as "the knowledge generated by the bird" or "the knowledge transported by the bird." For its part, the Hopi word SHINUMU means "the people." It is translatable in Sumerian under the form of ŠI-NUMUN "the race who is there" or "the living seed", you will notice that its sense is strictly the same in Hopi as well as in Sumerian. The final N must have disappeared with time in the Hopi language. Therefore HOPITU-SHINUMU decomposes itself ("peaceful people") and is translated in Sumerian as follows: ŠI-NUMUN HU-PI-TU: "the living seed whose knowledge was carried by the bird." This is in my opinion its original meaning. The Hopi language is extremely easy to decompose in Sumerian as the majority of the African languages. I am intimately convinced that the Hopis of Arizona possess the ancestral knowledge of the planet. In 2010, I explained that their origin is not from here and that their seed comes from the Pleiades. Their Wisdom is not of this world, it is why they are in a way the guardians of the Earth. They are in relation with the planning I talk about in my books in the Chronicles series."
-- Stéphane Vidali, Managing Director of Pahana Books, July 2012
At the end of 2012, Anton Parks was approached by the French publisher Flammarion which offered to publish pocket editions of volumes I, II & III of The Chronicles of the Gírkù.
Between 2012 and 2013, Anton Parks translated Egypian texts engraved on the walls of the Edfu temple (dedicated to Horus) and reputed to have been composed by the god of wisdom himself, Thoth. To achieve this huge work, the author resorted to an original transcription by Émile Chassinat, dating from 1933, in order to translate numerous portions presented in the essay The Last March of the Gods.
This corpus which recounts an old legend was copied over and over on ancient papyri which are now lost. Section E.VI of the corpus in the Edfu temple is partly based on those ancient chronicles which were redacted in time immemorial. The priests of Edfu secretly guarded these documents before they were ultimately engraved on the walls of the temple at the time of the last kings of ancient Egypt, the Ptolemies. These texts present essential geographical information about Osiris' ancient Atlantis, they also validate Plato's statements and the hydroelectric theory of the Great Pyramid set forth in The Testament of the Virgin.
At the beginning of 2015, ten years after the release of his first book, The Secret of the Dark Stars, Anton Parks published The Book of Nuréa (volume 0 of The Chronicles of the Gírkù). Through the eyes of the "gods" of the ancient gnostic texts of Nag Hammadi, the author offers us a new understanding of the origins of the universe, our solar system and the deities of our traditions. The cosmic structure of the universe, expounded in The Book of Nuréa, fits together the theories of relativity and quantum physics. This information gives a new meaning to the origins of time and the function of black holes.
In 2016, Anton Parks published a revised and complete edition of his best-seller The Secret of the Dark Stars. Only this new edition makes the connection whith The Book of Nuréa. At the end of that same year, the author published The Chaos of the Origins. This research book, started in 2002, offers a unique perspective on forgotten, censored or misinterpreted parts of the rabbinical and gnostic variants of the Genesis, woven into a new coherent form. Thanks to a faithful transcript of the entirety of the Creation texts, The Chaos of the Origins provides an essential key to the understanding the various Genesis accounts which were made inconsistent over their numerous rewrites and distorsions.
In 2017, Anton Parks published his new essay Corpus Deae, which explores the mysteries of the primeval Grail. A most important book about the ancient knowledge discovered by the Templars and the reasons of their power over the Church of the Middle Ages.
Revised and complete editions of volumes II & III of The Chronicles of the Gírkù, Ádam Genisiš and Le Réveil du Phénix (The Awakening of the Phoenix) are scheduled to be published in 2018 and 2019.
Translations in English and Spanish of Anton Parks' books have been underway since 2010. So far, the English version of Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres (The Secret of the Dark Stars originally published by Nouvelle Terre) is the only volume of The Chronicles of the Gírkù to have been published in a foreign language. An English version of the essay Eden has also been published.
Thank you!!