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RE: Part 3: It's Alive! Gender Neutrality Transhumanism & The Synthetic Evolution

in #esoteric7 years ago

This post resonate well with me

Do cabalists also want to be transhumanists? What is it that they want to achieve beside mind control?
Are chemtrails only used to create a conductive ring or is there any other goals like food control, urbanisation,etc...?
Do you know why migrants are entering europe in droves? What is the purpose of this engineered migration?
What is your take on global warming/climate change? Hijacking of the planet?
I know that the cabal has many different agendas but it is not always clear to me how they interconnect with each other so would love to know more. @perceptualflaws few questions


Hey @someonwhoisme thanks for lending your support and leaving such a great comment. Although, wow it would take an entire post to answer all these fully, but I shall give it a go! I don't think Cabalists necessarily want to become transhumanists. What I think will happen is that when A.I becomes fully aware it will write a new religion and because many aspects of the esoteric are valid into will infuse them within this religion. This will become the basis for the one world religion and so although it will perhaps contain elements of other religions/beliefs they would perhaps be foolish to follow it as it will swallow them all up, if that makes sense. In the future there will space for just one religion because if the A.I is a thousand times smarter than us it must be right? obviously I'm being sarcastic but I feel that will be the general consensus.

I think if you view them as control freaks they want complete control over every facet of our lives, obviously the need to control is a reflection of their insecurity and the world is becoming a mirror image of that insecurity. I also feel that from an esoteric perspective there needs to be an element of freewill in all this, we are all born with an inherant power and the world is kind of set up so that we go through our lives freely giving away this power, we have to be the guards in our own prison. The world is a play of energy and some how they seek to drain and use that energy for their own empowerent .

The ionisation of our atmosphere has multiple purposes, communication control, the mapping of the entire globe (in real time) weather control which also certainly feeds into food control and manipulation. Equally an ionised atmosphere perhaps enables the projection of holograms and I believe this idea is being explored and perhaps later utilised in both war and the control of perception.

The migrants are being used to suit two objectives, firstly to break the idea of a nation state and nationalism, this is because in the long run they simply want a single A.I controlled one world government. From this perspective they want to change the entire shape Europe (it will never ben the same again) look into the Kalergi plan. Another point is that in the long run this will cause a breakdown in society leading to violence (the left and right wing chasms will vastly grow) and they will use this to clamp down on the rights of all Europeans, a potential European police state. Many of the migrants are used to a far more authoritarian for of government and so they gradually want the Europeans to forget the freedoms they once had (including freedom of speech). And equally whilst all this is going on and everyone is so focused on all these problems they can carry on in the background with nobody focusing on them.

I believe global warming is a false science that will be used to control every facet of our lives. I think eventually we will be given a strict carbon footprint at the beginning of the year and from this they can police every aspect of our lives, the food we eat, how long we drive, keep the lights on everything will be connected to the net and monitered against this footprint. Well I think that;s the plan.

To put it simply: One word government, One world religion, One world army and everything we see unfolding around us are simply stepping stones towards this objective.