[Esp/Eng] cosechando onoto/harvesting onoto

in #espanollast year
Authored by @Chiqui92






Hola amigos , bendiciones para todos ustedes, hoy vengo a conversar con ustedes de la mata de onoto (achiote) aquí en Venezuela es onoto una semillita muy utilizada en cada hogar , cada establecimiento donde se prepara comida para vender , es muy útil a la hora de preparar nuestros alimentos porque aporta color a las preparaciones, bien sean granos ,carnes , guisos ,para las empanadas en guisado y la masa para darle ese atractivo colorcito naranja, yo pude cosechar mi onoto, es todo un reto el cosechar cada granito, en estos momentos mis manos son amarillentas y están un poco estropeadas por la labor de haber sacado las semillas de onoto, a esa planta no solo podemos disfrutar de sus semillas , también se utilizan sus hojas que son medicinales, la semilla se puede aplicar en la piel para curar y borrar heridas , mi mamá nos untaba onoto con manteca ,quedábamos embarrados de onoto pero si funcionaba muy bien, es un pigmento natural, y es originario de américa tropical y se usa ampliamente en la industria.@chiqui92

Hello friends, blessings to all of you, today I come to talk with you about the onoto bush (achiote). Here in Venezuela, onoto is a little seed widely used in every home, every establishment where food is prepared to sell, it is very useful at the time. to prepare our foods because it adds color to the preparations, whether they are grains, meats, stews, for stewed empanadas and the dough to give it that attractive orange color, I was able to harvest my onoto, it is quite a challenge to harvest each grain, in Right now my hands are yellowish and are a little damaged from the work of removing the onoto seeds. Not only can we enjoy its seeds, we can also use its leaves, which are medicinal, the seed can be applied to the skin. To heal and erase wounds, my mother spread onoto with butter, we were covered in onoto but it worked very well, it is a natural pigment, and it is native to tropical America and is widely used in the industry.@chiqui92