101 reasons to learn Esperanto

in #esperanto8 years ago

This article has been posted before on Medium: https://auxlang.xyz/100-reasons-to-learn-esperanto-f5c3d785b380

For a more serious look, read on here: https://auxlang.xyz/a-new-age-for-esperanto-again-7ee9522bfc3c

  1. Esperanto can be learned in about a week up to a month
  2. Language learning is hard!
  3. Tolkien spoke well about it
  4. Umberto Eco spoke well about it
  5. William Shatner made a movie using the language
  6. Charlie Chaplin used it in The Great Dictator
  7. Your country has organizations using it for quite some time already
  8. UNESCO supports Esperanto
  9. Esperanto events are fucking awesome
  10. Esperanto swear words are fucking awesome
  11. Muzaiko is actually a cool online radio station
  12. Evildea is actually a decent YouTuber
  13. Somebody is motivated enough to think of 100 reasons to learn Esperanto
  14. It’s really easy to create your own words
  15. You can actually express yourself at least as good as in your native language
  16. You don’t have to annoy people with the assumption that everybody speaks English
  17. You have an easier time learning languages like English
  18. You have direct access to native speakers of almost any language
  19. You can find free accomodation with Pasporta Servo
  20. You can read translations of some of the best world literature
  21. Most translations are actually accurate!
  22. Most translations are actually readable!
  23. You build great friendships for life
  24. Denaskuloj! Go out of your mind and make native Esperanto speakers!
  25. For the time being you will have a secret language to use with your friends
  26. When that is not valid anymore you don’t have any real reason to use a secret language
  27. You start actually understanding grammar
  28. You will know what a crocodile really is
  29. Your bathroom will become much more of a necessity place
  30. The USA stops being the center of the world
  31. You can pick your fights with the people you talk about themselves
  32. You can start enjoying international conventions without interpreters
  33. EK and Tajpi are great pieces of software!
  34. So is Linux!
  35. What is more cool than using your computer in Esperanto?
  36. Oh my, you can use a complete Office Suite in Esperanto!
  37. We need you!
  38. If you need us, we will be there!
  39. Seriously, there is a delegate network to help you out with all kinds of things
  40. The future is now!
  41. You will actually get a better grip on your thoughts
  42. You haven’t lived if you have never seen Catalans singing and dancing
  43. It’s really awesome to dance La Bamba
  44. That is probably not danced as you might imagine it
  45. We need more YouTubers, if you are one, please apply!
  46. You will learn about so much more created languages!
  47. jan ale li wile toki e toki pona a!
  48. Ĉi tiu frazo verŝajne estas Volapukaĵo por vi…
  49. World Peace!
  50. If you are a boy, finding your perfect girl
  51. If you are a girl, finding your perfect boy
  52. If you are a boy, finding your perfect boy
  53. If you are a girl, finding your perfect girl
  54. If you are human, finding your perfect companionship
  55. You can actually become important fast in the Esperanto movement
  56. We are really experienced in finding the best deal for traveling around the world
  57. The Esperanto movement is mostly built on young people partying with their friends
  58. We really want a better world
  59. Really! We hate it every moment war shuts us off from our friends :(
  60. If you are a grammar nazi, you will feel right at home
  61. if you are really not that great at language, you still can do great!
  62. You won’t actually lose much time learning it.
  63. You can stop speaking it for years and still retrieve it really fast
  64. Maybe you can even start working in other countries!
  65. Give the languages you fancy but never managed to learn a head start!
  66. There are about 1 to 10 million of us, although it’s really hard to count…
  67. There are about 200–2000 native speakers!
  68. Native speakers don’t actually speak Esperanto better than non-natives
  69. Esperanto Scrabble is much more fun than Scrabble in other languages
  70. No moment passes without Esperanto being used in the world
  71. You will actually start knowing the cultures of the countries you visit better
  72. Nationalities will lose all meaning to you
  73. Esperanto will actually be a language of your own!
  74. Really, no one decides but you how you use the language
  75. Yep, no annoying feeling about how you absolutely don’t sound native!
  76. We love boardgames!
  77. There are a lot of programmers amongst us
  78. Although this list is meant for fun, it actually doesn’t lie
  79. You have access to some of the most accurate and still fully emotional translations in the world
  80. You can study in Esperanto at AIS
  81. You can access Hungarian universities with Esperanto
  82. You can get a European Common Framework of Reference graded certificate of your Esperanto knowledge
  83. There is a really nice Wikipedia in Esperanto
  84. We actually all speak more languages than only Esperanto
  85. Yes, often also English
  86. No, that’s definitely not guaranteed
  87. Esperanto is easier if you have dyslexia
  88. Because Esperanto is written exactly how you pronounce it
  89. You only have to learn few words to get started
  90. Those words are probably already familiar to you
  91. There are great Esperanto groups in Telegram
  92. There are some great Esperanto groups on Facebook
  93. It’s cool to share a list like this about something you didn’t know about until you started reading it
  94. World Domination!
  95. It’s fun to be able to say that you speak a dead language
  96. It’s even more fun if you can actually travel around the world with it and find other speakers
  97. Even better that Esperanto was never dead to begin with
  98. Actually…
  99. Yeah…
  100. We are just getting started…
  101. And the Duolingo course is great!

102 . Se eksterteranoj volas lerni homan lingvon, ili verŝajne lernos Esperanton ĉar ĝi pli facilas por ili.

Pro-tip: switch your phone to Esperanto to learn days of the week and months of the year, et al.

off-topic: big fan of your OpenBazaar-store, just unhappy it's US only...

Big fan? I had no idea I had fans.

The OpenBazaar world is still very small :D

Can you give some examples for point 10 ?

Bonega artikolo :) Mi tre amas la fakton ke iu laboras por fari la Esperantan mondon tio richa :) (Mi havas novan komputilon, do mi ankoraux ne havas Tajpi'on :P Pardonu). Mi sekvas vin :)