ESports as a sport: the formation and development

in #esports9 years ago

ESports in our time is part and parcel of the lives of many young people. Pupils, students and even very mature, accomplished people who have a regular job, like coming home, ride a couple of fights in the "tanks", or punish opponents in good old "counter".

But for many it is not only a hobby, but also work. I'm talking, of course, about the professional players. In every game there are any. However, it is worth considering whether we can so openly use the term "eSports"? Is the famous "toy" sport?

The concept of eSports:

First, install modern understanding progaming border. Many people consider it a sport, but the latter has its own evaluation criteria. What is sport? Sports - organized according to certain rules of human activities, which consists in comparing their physical and intellectual abilities, as well as preparation for this activity and interpersonal relations arising in the course of it.

Thus, organized according to certain rules work there? Of course. Physical or mental abilities are involved? Perhaps physical abilities are not directly related to eSports, but smart - definitely. Preparation activities? Required. Have you ever wondered how many professionals, for example, the CS train every day? Even I do not know the exact figures, but I know that some individuals carry out every day in their favorite game up to 6 hours (!).

Well, what about interpersonal relationships? This, of course, the signing of the team or player sponsorship contracts that guarantee further cooperation. In today's world there are so many organizations involved in the promotion of e-sports. Special influence they have in the foreign countries of Asia: in the same China, for example, there is a state program for the development of e-sports. It is worth to mention that in Korea Starcraft games broadcast on national channels carried on?

If you follow this definition, the e-sports is a sport. Of course, there are many people who do not agree with this, but this subject, I would prefer to address below.

We establish some boundaries concepts eSports: eSports disciplines can be considered a game in which luck and "coincidence" plays the smallest role, while the experience and ability to play the game - the most. Thus, by the eSports we can hardly be attributed, for example, the card "The Fool", where everything depends on the fallen cards. But genres such as, for example, MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), RTS (Real Time Strategy) rarely depends on luck \ unlucky player is all about skill exclusive games and work in a team (if a team game).

Kibersportsmeny requires some skill, basically, of course, smart. This reaction, fine motor skills of fingers, ability to think outside the box and is not superfluous. To play many hours of the day and night (and that constantly play not on the interest, and hone skills) need a very strong mentality. I own example, I can say: play five games in DotA is not as easy as it seems. I mean the game with the team, rather than the usual matchmeykingi. It turns out some factor of endurance also plays a significant role.

So, we turn to the world's leading e-sports disciplines: DOTA 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, League of Legends, and, of course, Starcraft 2. It is for these games is currently undergoing the most promising tournaments, and they have the largest number of players around the world. It is worth noting the rapidly developing discipline of World of Tanks, which is now not difficult to add to the lead, but I will leave it to her place on the list of emerging disciplines.

Point Blank is also for a long time is gaining in popularity, grain by grain collecting fans, and desperately fighting for a place in the top ranks. I note I just play, losing popularity: Quake Live, with a relative whom it all began (this, again, below), FIFA, Warcraft 3, Need For Speed, and Unreal Tournament, which recently lost the status of all cyber disciplines. I can not help but notice that the last time significantly decreased in popularity as the Counter Strike discipline: there are fewer teams, the prize declined, many players are relocated to other disciplines. However, this does not prevent it from being one of the leading e-sports games in the world.

Do rules exist?

In fact, the rules are determined by the game that is played by players. Currently, all kibersportivye ditsipliny fairly balanced, pronounced imbalance is not (although, in fact, everyone here your opinion on this subject). Here, for example, in earlier times there were some restrictions. For example, the first tournament in Dota was banned to the choice Bristleback hero, who was then considered unbalanced.

Each genre is constantly changing driving game. An exception may be considered unless MOBA, where just 2 leading games - Dota 2 and League of Legends. In other genres, all the obvious leading Shooter'om is now unquestionably, CS: GO, titanium genre RTS - certainly Starcraft 2: HOTS, the best simulator - none other than World of Tanks. But who knows how many games on the site of the flagships were before?

For example, to Dota 2 leading position in the MOBA genre held HoN (Heroes of Newerth) (LoL, it can be said, has always played a leading role). CS: GO preceded by games like CS: Source, CS: 1.6, Battlefield 2, Unreal Tournament. Of course, before Warcraft I have been at times more popular StarCraft. However, as time goes, priorities change, mainly due to let out new games or patches on the old.

Speaking of patches, I would say that they play a much more important in the professional game than in standard public games. I'm talking, of course, on the Dota 2, the WoT and LoL. In these genres, as a rule, global patches change the balance of the game at the root, because after each patch, you can actually watch the rebirth of discipline, for the emergence of new teams and the fall of the old (now I'm talking about the Alliance team, who are champions in Dota World 2, but they still can not adapt to the new patch, so that the show is not the highest level of the game).

However, in other sports rules typically have long been incorporated. For example, who can remember when to change the rules in football? Or when changing the rules of chess? Maybe I'm wrong, but the rules were unchanged ever since the competition began to be held on these subjects.

In fact, in any discipline, do not have any rules, but, of course, is the goal. And here is how to achieve this goal - it's the players. In Starcraft 2 players can use Rush Strategy (Strategy quick wins), while at the same time as there are players that present the game in the late stage of the game where it is all about the ability to control large armies.

So, in each discipline, we can not talk about a specific list of rules of the game. There is a certain purpose, and it must reach at any cost. And tournament players of higher levels each time coming up with new ways to win. Some of them do not show results, while others on the contrary - infused into the tradition, becoming a part of something mundane in eSports.

For example, here Dota 2: 2 years ago anyone could think about using Pak as a solo mid hero? Hardly. A use Weaver as the Maine Kerry? Even a year ago it would have been surprising. But now - it is absolutely normal things. At one time there were people who showed the world the potential of these characters, and now they are used everywhere. This adds a spectacular discipline. And such examples are, in fact, a lot. And they all add entertainment around eSports in general.

I think that eSports has his future in the sport
Thank you for attention
P.s Sorry for bad English