Thanks @liondani!
- You do get notifications for every vote (post, comments)
- You are right comments can be improved
- This will come in next version update, working on it.
- We found small bug and fixed, fix is coming for that as well.
- Can you clarify this point, please? Comments have voting after you swipe left comments and there you see up vote , down vote and reply buttons. You want to move up vote to the very left of all buttons, but it is very left, after you swipe left comment you see options...
Yes but I want when I tap on a comment $payout to see a list of upvoter's like it works when I tap on a post $payout....
changed my mind....
flag , comment , like
instead of...
comment , down-vote,up-vote
buttons/icons ?
...just throwing ideas
oh I see, yes comments section needs some improvements on how to show voters and represent easier access... thinking about it, hope to bring gradual changes with each updates 😉
Sure, please keep them coming...these all things we can constantly work on and improve usabilities.