Out of mind the dream republic officials to compete with the American dollar, the falling value of the currency of the republican dream then the greater the nominal money issued by the republic bank. Value of money issued this time with a nominal 200,000 thousand. Unfortunately, as long as the reign is overrun by the mak banteng republic dreams are getting far behind from other countries. The dream republic is only capable of printing debt, not the welfare of its people. Still want 2 jokodok period.

Kita melihat beberapa hal yang menjadi isu besar yang belum terselesaikan. Saya pikir hal itu tak terlepas dari banyaknya penghamburan uang negara untuk hal yang seharusnya masih bisa dipakai seperti pengadaan mobil baru yang terlalu dipaksakan.
There are some major issues that have not been resolved. It can not be separated from the amount of wasting state money for those that should still be used like the procurement of new cars.