Adroady Offers Videotron Ad Serving on the Rear of the Car🤔

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

Traffic jams that often become "food" everyday Jakarta citizens encourage Edward Halley to establish a startup named Adroady. For him, congestion in Jakarta is a huge potential for outdoor advertising business that uses cars.

Basically, Adroady presents a service similar to other startup that provides advertising space on the car body such as Ubiklan, StickEarn, Sticar, and Promogo. The difference, Adroady carry ads in the form of video that is screened through the LCD screen.

The LCD is at the rear of the car, and Adroady's partners will travel around the region to promote the ad. As a replacement for the rear glass closed by the LCD screen, Adroady also paired the screen in the center mirror connected to the camera on the rear body of the car.

"I think how to create a commute advertising platform, but the format can vary. Advertisers also do not have to bother because it can go directly to the dashboard of our site to set the ads, "said Edward.

Basically, Edward said, it provides several facilities to the advertisers who become their clients such as:

  1. Set the time of the ad running
  2. Choose where to show ads
  3. Upload your own creative online
  4. Monitoring ads in real time (impression, view, distribution of cars)

To present the facility, Adroady uses video programmatic technology that enables advertisers to upload videos in real time and videos can change automatically according to location or time.

This technology starts working when advertisers upload their videos via the Adroady site dashboard. Once the video content is uploaded, the server sends the video to an application that is on the driver's smartphone. The driver's smartphone then communicates with a mini-computer installed in the car. This mini computer will change the content in videotron over a Wi-Fi connection that sends data offline.

"Advertisers can also program which videos they do not want to show when a car is crossing a certain area. Adroady's video programmatic technology is built on the combination of the Internet of Things, big data, and machine learning, "he said.

Since officially established in April 2017, Adroady currently has several brands that become their clients such as Nusatrip, Lazada, Panorama Tour, Ralali, and House. 👏👏