Good day stemiit ..
Has your child had diphtheria immunization? The diphtheria injection is done up to 3 rounds, from last January held diphtheria 1, then followed in the february of the 2nd diphtheria, and today the last diphtheria injection held at posyandu near my house
Sudahkah anak anda melakukan imunisasi difteri? Suntik difteri dilakukan hingga 3 putaran,dari bulan januari kemarin diadakan suntik difteri 1,kemudian menyusul pada bulan february suntik difteri yang ke 2,dan hari ini suntik difteri yang terakhir yang diadakan di posyandu di dekat rumahku
Hearing the word syringe is very scary especially in children, hearing it panicked, but this diphtheria injection should be done because to prevent diphtheria disease
Mendengar kata suntik memang sangat menakutkan terlebih pada anak-anak,mendengarnya saja sudah panik,tetapi suntik difteri ini harus dilakukan karena untuk mencegah penyakit difteri
Diphtheria itself is a dangerous and rapidly contagious disease of airborne splashes and skin contact, everyone should have a complete diphtheria injection to prevent diphtheria
Difteri sendiri termasuk penyakit berbahaya dan cepat menular dari percikan airliur dan kontak dengan kulit,setiap orang harus melakukan suntik difteri lengkap untuk mencegah penyakit difteri
This is the reason why diphtheria injections must be done 3 times, therefore the role of parents is very important, to bring their children immunized, because there are also many parents who do not bring their children to immunization because of fear after swelling, fussing, high heat and much more
Inilah alasan mengapa suntikan difteri harus dilakukan 3 kali, oleh karena itu peran orang tua sangat penting, untuk membawa anak mereka diimunisasi, karena ada juga banyak orang tua yang tidak membawa anaknya ke imunisasi karena takut setelah imunisasi bengkak, rewel, panas tinggi dan banyak lagi
Therefore parents should have their own initiative, after injecting compress the child's arms with warm water so as not to swell after 1 hour give children febrifuge or pain so that children are not fussy
Maka dari itu orang tua harus mempunyai inisiatif sendiri,setelah suntik kompres lengan anak dengan air hangat agar tidak bengkak setelah 1 jam beri anak obat penurun panas atau nyeri agar anak tidak rewel
So my post this afternoon is safe thanks for those who have and read this simple writing
Sekian post saya siang ini selamat beraktivitas terima kasih bagi yang sudah dan membaca tulisan sederhana ini
By @anitacarolina
Anak kedua sy udah disuntik imunisasi Difteri 2 X
Kalau anak bungsu blm pernah disuntik imunisasi Difteri karena 2 X ke posyandu pas lagi pilek
Kalau pilek gpp teh yg penting ga panas...
Bidan di sini yg ngga mau suntik balita yg pilek meler
Owh..kl dsni si mau aja yg penting ga pns
The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!Hello @anitacarolina, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine.
Thks @ creativecrypto actually I still don't understand how, can you tell me😊