So, you are saying that if, for example, a moslem family move to a christian country, the child should be taught christianity? ..or hinduism, or...
The parents should not have exclusive right to decide how they want their child to grow up?
Also, all children should now be taught they should become trans?
What has any of the above got to do wih education? I do not remember any politicians running for office on the promise they will take away the traditional rights of parents so as to force-feed all children his own beliefs.
It is always the people who want to force their own beliefs on others who, for some reason, think they are the good guys!
It sounds to me like you believe in globalism (with the resultant deaths of over 7 billion people) so that the Rothschilds, the Bill Gates, the Sorros and so on can be our lords and masters.
No thank you.
I think you are mixed up because you are thinking that children need to learn certain things...more than just the 3 Rs. It is only under dictatorship that those subjects are taken over by the State (educational system). I believe in human rights, which socialism does not (it only believes in State rights), so I definitely would not want a socialist influencing the way my child thinks. I'll handle that as the parent and I will get very violent if anyone tries to take away my right to decide for my child until it is an adult.
Then they are free to try all they want...