benefits and usefulness of white orchid flowers

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

imageOrchid flowers who are not familiar with this flower. One of the flowers is quite beautiful in the view when blooming. Orchids have many variants of one of these white orchids or often called pigeon orchids that we want to discuss this time. The orchid is in some variants almost experienced extinction but this white orchid is very easy to meet almost in some areas exist.Tanaman is usually we meet in the tree tree is indeed habitat in the tree, but even in this plant tree does not take the nutrients or food from the tree that is occupied to grow like other plants take the nutrients where yesi quoted from steptohealth. imageHave you ever seen a film of anaconda setting in Borneo at that time, where it was told to look for one speciaes of orchids for treatment, well this white orchid is also very beneficial for health lho.Hal this dikarenakn by content contained in white orchids such as kardenolin, polyphenols, alkaloids mikelarbina and liriodenina, and flavonoids from some of the ingredients in the orchid is very powerful for the drug to overcome health problems, especially toxins that exist in our bodies. imageAs the following illnesses are potent treated with white orchids: White Orchid is able to cure bronchitis
Bronchitis is one of the diseases that attack the respiratory tract. Usually accompanied by a cough in the sertilendir colored blue or gray yellowish gray abal.Nah to cure this disease you can use with orchids putih.Caranya simple enough once by way of boiled some white orchids , add 10 grams of mandarin orange peel and 10 grams of lily tuber and boil it all with 300 grams of water. Boil until the water stays half and after it is boiled you strain and drink while warmed with added honey. imageWhite Orchid to treat brain cancer. Brain cancer that attacks us, in addition to treatment from mis was also bia cured with a concoction of this white orchid flowers. White Orchid flowers To overcome rheumatism.
Rheumatic diseases that attack these joints can be treated with a mixture of white orchids in a way apart. imageWhite orchid flowers to overcome acne. In addition to treating internal diseases, this pigeon orchid flower can also be used to overcome skin problems such as acne and flack in the face imageWhite Orchid flowers To overcome Cholera.Colera Cholera biasnyadi start with acute symptoms of diarrhea to dehydration if not quickly handled can lead to death. a powerful natural remedy to overcome this cholera outbreak is a white orchid or pigeon orchids that we often get in the park flower. imageAfter getting the juice juice you can drink warm selahi to increase lust while drinking add original honey to be more delicious in drinking. Do 3 times a day for cholera disease heal total.itu he orchid is very bnyak really not the manfat of white orchids in ibagi our health? in addition to the beautiful shape and smell of fragrant yum that this flower is very beneficial for human health. Yuk we plant this orchid flowers at home if you have a tree in the yard of the house fit for this white orchid planting.karena this orchid is away from venomous snakes.


really its very unique flower

not unique only sardar-semi but there are benefits