Ada banyak pelajaran berharga saat diriku mengikuti sebuah pelatihan yang bertajuk "Komunikasi Cinta dengan NLP".
Pertama, bahwa semua kata-kata tergantung bagaimana kita mengaturnya menjadi sesuatu yang berdaya bukan justru melemahkan. Kedua, Peta bukan wilayah artinya peta itu hanya gambaran bukan wilayah aslinya, jadi kata-kata orang lain hanyalah sebuah ilustrasi saja bukan sesungguhnya. Ketiga, pikiran dan perasaan merupakan sesuatu yang berbeda, tidak boleh dicampur aduk.
There were many valuable lessons when I attended a training entitled "Love Communication with NLP".
First, that all words depend on how we organize them into something powerless rather than weaken. Secondly, the map is not territory means that the map is just a picture not the original, so other people's words are just an illustration not a real one. Third, thoughts and feelings are something different, should not be mixed up.
Chic article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))
Thank you for comment on my post. I just telling about how I had a special lesson from the training of NLP