A great article. Today I have to check it out, although the information about not copying photos without the use of hosting is a bit worrying, I hope now version 1.0 which has now come out will have this feature fixed. About version 1.0 written here eSteem: Surfer 1.0.0 Release
by the user @good-karma
I still have such a small question when trying to install this version of Windows writes about it and protects me from the installation, should I worry?
You can see the comment from good-karma here about how to insert images without uploading somewhere else ;)
I'm not sure what your question is about windows, can you ask that using different words?
Windows defender forbade running unrecognized application.
According to Windows 10, an application may expose your computer to the following risks
Oh i see, I don't use windows defender as I use other software - I guess maybe you need to add an exclusion to windows defender for the surfer app.