Caterpillar. Can cause itching on the body.

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)



Ever felt itchy when hit with a caterpillar on your body ...? Caterpillars that cause itching are caterpillars that are the best in our body area. However, the type of caterpillar that causes itching turns out to be diverse.

The first group is the caterpillar family Lymantridae. This is what ordinary people call a dangerous caterpillar caterpillar.

The caterpillar has small hairs. When it falls on the surface of a human skin, the tip will break and enter the pores.

The second gologan is a caterpillar with thicker and very sharp hair. The caterpillar group is classified in the Lasiocampidae family.

The feathers other than thicker also resemble the worm's eye, if it comes, it feels more itchy than other caterpillars.

Problems arise if handling is incorrect. For example, the caterpillar is expelled from the body part with the hand and the itch is scratched. According to Hari, this step will actually spread itching to other parts of the body.

Itching can also be felt throughout the body if the caterpillar does not directly affect the body, but objects that are commonly used on the body, such as towels and clothes.

If so, the feathers will spread on towels and clothes. So the itching can spread.

To prevent itching from spreading, it's actually quite easy. For thick caterpillars and fur, it should not be expelled by hand but using tweezers.

Then, the affected part of the body is not scratched. Cover with tape or tape for a while and then release. Tape or tape will pull the feathers.







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