How Far is Your Concentration in Reading? Find Out Here!

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)


If you are the second type, you need to master speed reading tips. Want to know what speed reading tips are like? By method In general there are two methods of fast reading, namely scanning and skimming. Scanning is read by scan technique. Like a scanner, we read from top to bottom of the book page. Eyes stop or move slowly when finding important information. Usually what is noticed is a word or sentence that is marked specifically such as bold or italicized.


There are a number of things that you need to pay attention to in order to be able to concentrate fully, namely, get rid of all the annoying things. Drink coffee, tea or other soft drinks, this is so as not to be too sleepy or whacked by laziness. For that, focus only on the books and writing in front of you.
