Meditasion vote 😇

in #esteem7 years ago

Akhi Ukhti

There are * times where prayer is granted *

  • Among is at the end of Friday *
    You try to read the prayer that our Prophet sallallahuahu alaihi wasallam read

Sometimes I am embarrassed to see his prayers
Try reading the antum below

اللهم اغفر لي ما قدمت, وما أخرت, وما أنر أعلم به مني, أنت المقدم, وأنت المؤخر, وأنت على كل شيء قدير
Dear Allah,
forgive my mistake,
my ignorance,
exaggeration in my case,
and what Thou knowest more than I know.

Dear Allah,
forgive me for my sake,
my negligence,
my mistake,
my intentions,
and all that is coming from my side.

Dear Allah,
forgive me of all the sins I have committed
and which I have not done,
all the sins I hid
and which I looked at,
and the sin which Thou knowest better than me,
You are the Most Major
and Yang ends,
and You are All-Powerful over all things.
(Narrated by Bukhari 6398 and Muslim 2719).

✍🏻 Syafiq Reza Basalamah