You can see your reward in many currencies. It doesn't mean you earn reward in different currencies but display them in different currency. Earning different currencies something for future :)
I want to ask your . Why do you use my voice while I am nothing esteem. Curator not
And I have been out of esteem for a long time, why do you still use my voice. What's in it for me. There is a loss to my energy.
I also didn't post again through esteem because I was very disappointed with the curator
Thank you @good-karma for the answer why is my voice still in use ...
Will I choose you as a curator ...
You can see your reward in many currencies. It doesn't mean you earn reward in different currencies but display them in different currency. Earning different currencies something for future :)
Hello @good-karma, before I apologize
I want to ask your . Why do you use my voice while I am nothing esteem. Curator not
And I have been out of esteem for a long time, why do you still use my voice. What's in it for me. There is a loss to my energy.
I also didn't post again through esteem because I was very disappointed with the curator
Thank you @good-karma for the answer why is my voice still in use ...
Will I choose you as a curator ...