Characteristic traits people have pesugihan tuyul usually have specific characteristics. These characteristics are based on the science of titen from the people of Java earlier. Here Characteristics of people have pesugihan tuyul.
Characteristic traits of people have pesugihan tuyul usually when dinner is always wearing hands, and after finished dinner his hands never washed. Because tuyul peliharaanya which will clean it by licking it. The food was always never spent, because left to his pet tuyul.
Characteristic traits of people have pesugihan tuyul usually when walking with both hands always in put at the back waist. As if carrying something. For the man who could see the supernatural being is he was holding his tuyul
Characteristic traits of people have pesugihan tuyul usually his house is always in colorful paint, so tuyulnya happy. Like a small child who loves with a wide range of colors. But that is not certain
Characteristic features of people have pesugihan tuyul usually at home or around the house there are offerings to perform rituals.