Of five daughters, I alone was O-positive. Mom is Rh-negative. I was born butter-yellow with jaundice, she said, and almost needed a transfusion. They'd slash the baby's heels with a razor blade to draw blood, back then. She'd wince on hearing my cries. These days, one of many good reasons for pre-natal care is catching this condition early enough to treat it - so your baby isn't born yellow. The mother's Rh-negative blood sees the baby's as an alien invader. Or maybe as an inferior! Oh, the bigotry of the blood! (j.k.) Please know I don't put any stock in Merovingian theory:
....RH Negative means Rhesus Hominid Negative. The 13 Illuminati Families and the Committee of 300 are all referred to as Blue Bloods. This is because historically they had copper-based blood. They were ferroglobin ...
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My cousin just wrote that her brother "was a different RH from my Mother and had to have a blood transfusion upon birth! Then she lost a baby at six months between (sister and me). She said the medical staff told her it usually followed a pattern and hers was every two babies! Not sure this is scientifically accurate but that's what she told me!