Good night friend steemit Indonesia wherever you are may you guys healthy all .. I will post the benefits of eating shellfish
Scallops apparently have various benefits for our body health
Overcoming anemia
The shells are rich in iron content. Iron itself is needed to form hemoglobin, a special protein that is responsible for carrying oxygen in your blood throughout the body. Without hemoglobin in the blood, your organs will not function properly due to lack of oxygen
Maintain heart health
You can get high fatty acids in one serving of fresh mussels. Fatty acids alone can lower triglyceride levels are too high. High triglyceride levels are at risk of causing various heart problems such as hardening of the arteries and heart attacks. However, do not overeat the shellfish. Because the shell contains cholesterol. Cholesterol levels are too high is also a risk for your heart health
Caring for muscles
Shellfish is a nutrient that plays an important role in forming muscle mass as well as care for it from damage to muscle tissue and heart. For those of you who often experience muscle soreness kerangjuga this also can accelerate the process of restoring the muscles are stiff and painful. Other seafood, shellfish is also rich in protein. Scallops even become a healthier source of protein from beef or chicken because the fat content and calories lower
Maintain nerve function
In order to perform its duties properly, the nervous system in your body requires a B-complex vitamin. One of them is vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 deficiency risks causing nerve damage to decreased brain function. Therefore, the benefits of shellfish that contain high amounts of vitamin B12 unfortunately if missed. Eating shellfish can help keep your nerves functioning especially on the part of the brain.
Wow really healthy food..