Here is what Hamas did just yesterday.
You can also read the Hamas Charter to learn the truth.
Article 6: Claims that all of Israel belongs to Palestine.
Articles 8 & 9: Sound like the Muslim brotherhood.
Article 11: Goes against the Koran which says Israel is for the Jews.
Article 13: Peace and negotiation are not possible, Jihad against the Jews.
Article 20: Call for "action" against a Nazi like enemy, makes no distinction between woman, children and soldiers.
Article 22 & 28: Makes conspiracy claims against the Israel, Zionism and all Jews.
Article 31: Claims that we can live in peace, but only if Jews accept Muslim sovereignty. (Jizya tax?)
The Charter also says that people should kill Jews no matter where they are in the world.
And finally, the Charter quotes the hadith when it says: "The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, 'O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' Only the Gharkad tree would not do that, because it is one of the trees of the Jews."
Hamas are terrorists who don't care about anything but power and stealing the land from Israel. But here is what the Koran really says about Israel.
Koran chapter 17, verse 104: "And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, scatter and live all over the world. And when the end of the world is near, we will gather you again into the Promised Land."
Koran chapter 5, verse 21: "O my people (Jews), enter the Holy Land which God has prescribed for you, and turn not back in your traces, to turn about losers."
Not only are they against Jews and Israel, but they kill Palestinians all the time. In fact, they just tried to assassinate the Prime Minister from the Palestinian Authority just last week with a bomb. In 2004-2006 they killed hundreds of Fatah and PA people by throwing them off buildings. They murder gay people. They murder Christians and steal their property, and prevent them from worshiping. Hamas uses the money that Israel and the world gives them for terrorism, when it was supposed to go to development. They pay terrorists with US and European money. They and PA leaders have stolen and wasted more money than it took to rebuild ALL of EUROPE after WWII.
List of countries who consider Hamas a terrorist organization.
Hamas and PA television shows which teach CHILDREN to MURDER.
thank you very much, and forgive me for my lack of knowledge, and I really want to be friends with you, then how can we communicate with each other after this, and I hope you do not mind to be friends with me, my greetings from aceh.
Have a nice day,
Indeed I forgive, and because you appear willing to learn, I'm very glad to make friends with someone who is able to be open and examine and correct their accidental mistakes. I am also willing to learn and be corrected. Thank you for a positive discussion, while hoping for peace. I also want that you should have a nice and happy day, thank you.
I also thank you very much for all this, and I really appreciate and thank you, because you have taken time for this, I will miss it
Corrections to my previous comment.
Hamas finalized their coup d'etat in 2007, not 2006.
Hamas also recently denied that they tried to kill the PA politician.
Sorry for my error too.
no problem, because I am very happy to forgive others, life must forgive each other. :)
I appreciate it and agree, thank you :)