Dear @fitinfun
Thank you for mentioning me. That helped me to find your publication.
I presume that you were trying to cross boarder by land? I know how stresful this situation must be as I've been denied entry to Malaysia once and I've been "detained" for several hours. Awful experience.
I'm afraid right now the easiest option may be to book a flight somewhere to thailand. The 7 day extension also means, that you may not really be allowed to re-enter Malaysia for quite some time. Their immigration may give you some serious trouble.
Cambodia may be great option. Just fly to BKK, get some rest and try to get some sleep. I'm so sorry to see what you're going through.
I upvoted and I'm transfering 5steem. It's not much but I still hope few other people will help and alltogether you will receive some decent support.
Yours, Piotr
Thank you for your information. @crypto.piotr. The return to Malaysia is on my mind too. They repeatedly told me if I went to another country I could return after 3-4 days by flight. Do you think they would lie about that?
I am planning Sun-Fri in Thailand next week, pretty sure I can swing this. You support, vote and transfer help so much. TY. Few I know have been through this as you have. I have some messages out on my expat boards, but no one has replied yet.
Dear @fitinfun
The problem with Asian countries is lack of law and regulations, so you never really know if what you're hearing from one Immigration officer would really apply everywhere.
Are you already in BKK?
Hope you had a safe trip @fitinfun