Privileges For The Fasting

in #esteem7 years ago

#### The Primacy Of Fasting

By Shaykh Salim bin 'IED Inter alia-hilaaly Shaikh Ali Hasan Ali Abdul Hamid

Alot of verse strict and muhkam (qath'i) in kitabullah Noble, giving advice for fast as a means to taqarrub to God' Azza WhatsApp jalla and also explain the primacy-preferment, such as the word of God.

إن المسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات والقانتين والقانتات والصادقين والصادقات والصابرين والصابرات والخاشعين والخاشعات والمتصدقين والمتصدقات والصائمين والصائمات والحافظين فروجهم والحافظات والذاكرين الله كثيرا والذاكرات أعد الله لهم مغفرة وأجرا عظيما

"indeed the Muslims and muslimat, the mukminin and mukminat, men obedient and women obedient, and men and women correct (faith) and men and women patient (obedience), and men and women who khusyu ', and men and women who charity, and men and women Yan fast, and men and women who take care of his honor (lust birahinya), and men and women who many remember God, God provide for those forgiveness and a great reward" [a-ahzab: 35]

and the word of God.

وأن تصوموا خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون

"and if you fasting, it is better for you if you know" [Inter alia-baqarah: 184]

the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi WhatsApp sallam has explained in the Hadith shahih that fasting is the Castle of lust, shield of hell. God tabaraka WhatsApp ta'ala has specialized one door heaven for people who fasting. fasting can decide the soul of syahwatnya, hold of habits ugly, up to be the soul quiet. this is a great reward, eminence glorious; described in detail in the hadiths shahih the following, described by the explanation perfect.

  1. fasting is shield [1] the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam tell people that have been strong syahwatnya and have not been able to married in order to fast, making it as wijaa' [2] for the lust this, because of fasting hold the strength of limbs to be controlled, soothing all members of the body, as well as all the power (bad) held to be obedient and shackled with the shackles of fasting. was clear that the fasting influence amazing in keeping limbs dhahir and the power of the inner. therefore the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam said.

يامعشرالشباب من استطاع منكم الباءة فليتزوج فإنه أغض للبصر وأحصن للفرج ومن لم يستطع فعليه بالصوم فإنه له وجاء

"Oh all the youth, whoever among you have been able ba'ah [3] let married, because married more beat view, and more keep honor. whoever has not been able to married, let the fast as fast is wijaa' (the breaker lust) for him" [Hadith history Bukhari 4/106 and Muslim no. 1400 of IBN mas'ud]

the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam has explained that heaven covered with a case-case that does not favor, and hell was filled with lust. if you have a clear thus -wahai muslim- real fast it destroy the lust, break the sharp lust can bring a servant to hell, fasting prevent people fasting from hell. therefore a lot of Hadith confirms that the fast is the Castle of hell, and shield blocking someone from hell.

said the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi WhatsApp sallam.

ما من عبد يصوم يوما في سبيل الله إلاباعد الله بذلك وجهه عن النار سبعين خريفا

"it is not a servant fasting on the road God except God keep him (due to his fast) of the hell as far as Seventy season" [Hadith history Bukhari 6/35, Muslim 1153 from Abu sa'id Inter alia-khudry, this is lafadz Muslim. word of the Prophet: "70 season" ie: traveling 70, thus said in Fath Bari 6/48]

the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam said.

الصيام جنة يستجن بها العبد من النار

"fast is shield, slave berperisai him from hell" [Hadith history Ahmad 3/241, 3/296 of Jabir, Ahmad 4/22 and Uthman bin abil' ash.

this is the Hadith shahih]

and the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam said.

من صام يوما في سبيل الله جعل الله بينه وبين النار خندقا كما بين السماء والأرض

"whoever fasting a day on the road God then between him and hell no trench extent as between the Sky with Earth" [4]

most Ahlul ilmi have understand that the hadiths is a description of the primacy of fasting when Jihad and war in the way of God. However dhahir Hadith include all of fasting if done ikhlas because expect the face of God ta'ala, according to what is described the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wassalm including fasting on the road God (such as mentioned in this Hadith).

  1. fasting can post a servant to heaven you already know Oh servant devout -mudah hopefully God gave Taufik to obey his menguatkanmu with the spirit of-nya- that fasting keep people mengamalkannya to the middle of heaven.

from Abu umamah Radi 'anhu he said, "I said (to the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi WhatsApp sallam):

" Oh the Messenger of Allah, show me a practice can memasukkanku to heaven.?; he replied: "upon you fasting, none (practice) that such as with that" [Hadith history nasa'i 4/165, IBN hibban it. 232 mawarid, Inter alia-judge 1/421, sanadnya shahih]

  1. reward the fasting not limited

  2. the fasting has two excitement

  3. bad breath people fasting more fragrance of smell misk

from Abu hurairah Radi 'anhu, (that) the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi WhatsApp sallam said.

قال الله كل عمل ابن آدم له إلا الصيام فإنه لي وأنا أجزي به والصيام جنة وإذا كان يوم صوم أحدكم فلا يرفث ولا يصخب فإن سابه أحد أو قاتله فليقل إني امرؤ صائم والذي نفس محمد بيده لخلوف فم الصائم أطيب عند الله من ريح المسك للصائم فرحتان يفرحهما إذا أفطر فرح وإذا لقي ربه فرح بصومه

"all the practice the children of Adam for her except fasting [5], because the fast it to me and I will reply, fasting is shield, if one of you guys are fast do not say vile and screaming, if there are people who mencercanya or fight it, then recite: 'I was fast' [6]. for the essence of the soul Muhammad in his hand, actually means bad breath people fasting more fragrant Allah than the smell of misk [7] people fasting have two excitement, if breaking them happy, if met his Lord they excited because fasting it does" [Bukhari 4/88, Muslim no. 1151, lafadz this for Bukhari]

in the history Bukhari (mentioned).

يترك طعامه وشرابه وشهوته من أجلي الصيام لي وأنا أجزي به والحسنة بعشر أمثالها

"leave eat, drink and syahwatnya because fasting for me, and I will reply, goodness reply with ten times that such as with" in the history of Muslims.

كل عمل ابن آدم يضاعف الحسنة عشر أمثالها إلى سبعمائة ضعف قال الله عز وجل إلا الصوم فإنه لي وأنا أجزي به يدع شهوته وطعامه من أجلي للصائم فرحتان فرحة عند فطره وفرحة عند لقاء ربه ولخلوف فيه أطيب عند الله من ريح المسك

"all the practice the children of Adam will be multiplied, goodness reply with ten times that such as with him, up to seven hundred times. God ta'ala said:" except fasting, because the fast it to me and I will reply, he (the children of Adam) leave syahwatnya and food because I "for people who fasting there are two of excitement; excited when breaking and excited when met his Lord. really bad breath people fasting Allah is more fragrant than the smell of misk"

  1. fasting and the qur'an will syafa'at to experts in the last day the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam said.

الصيام والقرآن يشفعان للعبد يوم القيامة يقول الصيام أي رب منعته الطعام والشهوات بالنهار فشفعني فيه ويقول القرآن منعته النوم بالليل فشفعني فيه قال فيشفعان

"fasting and the qur'an will give intercession to the servant in the last day, fasting will said:" Oh rabbku, I will prevent from eating and lust, then give him syafa'at karenaku ". the qur'an also said:" I have prevent from sleep at night, then give him syafa'at karenaku "the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi WhatsApp sallam said: then they will syafa'at" [8]

  1. the fast as kafarat among the specialty of fasting that is not present in practice is another; God make it as kafarat for people who hair cut his head (when Haji) because there udzur sick or disease in his head, kaparat for those who are not able to give a sacrifice, kafarat for killer unbelievers have agreement due to cancel the oath, or kill game on the ground Haram and as kafarat zhihar.

will clear for you in the verses of the following. God ta'ala said.

وأتموا الحج والعمرة لله فإن أحصرتم فما استيسر من الهدي ولا تحلقوا رءوسكم حتى يبلغ الهدي محله فمن كان منكم مريضا أو به أذى من رأسه ففدية من صيام أو صدقة أو نسك فإذا أمنتم فمن تمتع بالعمرة إلى الحج فما استيسر من الهدي فمن لم يجد فصيام ثلاثة أيام في الحج وسبعة إذا رجعتم تلك عشرة كاملة ذلك لمن لم يكن أهله حاضري المسجد الحرام واتقوا الله واعلموا أن الله شديد العقاب

"and sempurnkanlah by you Hajj and Umrah because God; then if you besieged (obstructed by enemy or ill), then shall slaughter sacrifice easily obtained. and do not shave hair your head, up to sacrifice it get to the place penyembelihannya. if there is diantaramu sick or interference in his head (then he bercu of kur), then shall it berfidyah, that is fast or charity or sacrifice. if you have (feel) safe, then for anyone who wants to do Umrah before Hajj (in the month Haji), (wajiblah he slaughter) sacrifice easily can. but if he did not find (animals sacrifice or not able), then shall fasting three days in the Hajj and seven days (again) if you have returned. thus it (obligation to pay fidyah) for people who keluargannya are not (around) Haram (people nonresident city Makkah). and fear to God and know that God is very hard torment his" [Inter alia-baqarah: 196]

God ta'ala also said.

وإن كان من قوم بينكم وبينهم ميثاق فدية مسلمة إلى أهله وتحرير رقبة مؤمنة فمن لم يجد فصيام شهرين متتابعين توبة من الله وكان الله عليما حكيما

"and if he (the killed) of the (infidels) existing agreement (peace) between them with you, then (let killer) pay blood money is handed over to his family (the killed) as well as liberate servant sahaya the believers. whoever did not get it, then let (killer) fasting two consecutive months as a way taubat to God. and is God knowing again Supreme wise" [an-NISA ': 92]

لا يؤاخذكم الله باللغو في أيمانكم ولكن يؤاخذكم بما عقدتم الأيمان فكفارته إطعام عشرة مساكين من أوسط ما تطعمون أهليكم أو كسوتهم أو تحرير رقبة فمن لم يجد فصيام ثلاثة أيام ذلك كفارة أيمانكم إذا حلفتم واحفظوا أيمانكم كذلك يبين الله لكم آياته لعلكم تشكرون

"God not punish you caused oath-your vows that is not meant (for swear), but he punish you caused oath-oath of you that you accidentally, then kafarat (abuse) oath it is to feed the ten the poor, that of the food usual you give your family, or give clothes to them or disenthrall a slave. if anyone could not do so, then kafaratnya fasting for three days. such it is kafarat oath-your vows when you swear (and you break). and keep your vows. so God explain to you the laws of his so that you are grateful (to him)" [Inter alia-maidah: 89]

يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقتلوا الصيد وأنتم حرم ومن قتله منكم متعمدا فجزاء مثل ما قتل من النعم يحكم به ذوا عدل منكم هديا بالغ الكعبة أو كفارة طعام مساكين أو عدل ذلك صياما ليذوق وبال أمره عفا الله عما سلف ومن عاد فينتقم الله منه والله عزيز ذو انتقام "

Hi people who are faithful, do not kill the game, when you are ihram. whoever among you kill intentionally, then the fine is replace with cattle balanced with a game that killed, according to the decision of two fair among you as had-Yad brought up to the Kaaba or (the fine) pay kaffarat to feed the poor or fast balanced with food issued it, so that he felt bad consequences of the action. God has forgive what has been ago. and whoever back to do it, undoubtedly God will tortured.

God Almighty again have (power to) torture" [Inter alia-maidah: 95]

والذين يظاهرون من نسائهم ثم يعودون لما قالوا فتحرير رقبة من قبل أن يتماسا ذلكم توعظون به والله بما تعملون خبير)3(فمن لم يجد فصيام شهرين متتابعين من قبل أن يتماسا فمن لم يستطع فإطعام ستين مسكينا ذلك لتؤمنوا بالله ورسوله وتلك حدود الله وللكافرين عذاب أليم

"the people who menzhihar their wives then they want to withdraw what they say, the (required it) disenthrall a slave before the second husband wife was mixed. thus taught to you, and God knowing what you do. whoever did not get (slave), then (required it) fasting two consecutive months before the two mixed. then who is not the power (required it) feed Sixty the poor. so that you believe in God and his Messenger. and that the laws of God, and for unbelievers there torment very painful" [Inter alia-mujaadiliah: 3-4] similarly, fasting and shadaqah can eliminate defamation a man of property, family and children. from hudzaifah ibnul Yemen Radi' anhu, the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam said.

"means: defamation men in the family (wife), treasure and neighbors, can be abolished by prayer, fasting and shadaqah" [Hadith history Bukhari 2/7, Muslim 144]

  1. Rayyan for people who fasting of Sahl bin sa'ad Radi' anhu, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam (that him) said.

إن في الجنة بابا يقال له الريان يدخل منه الصائمون يوم القيامة لا يدخل منه أحد غيرهم يقال أين الصائمون فيقومون لا يدخل منه أحد غيرهم فإذا دخلوا أغلق فلم يدخل منه أحد = فإذا دخل آخرهم أغلق, ومن دخل شرب, ومن شرب لم يظمأ أبدا

"true in heaven one door called Rayyan, people who fasting will enter in the last day later than the door, no one in addition to those who entered. if entered people the last the fasting ditutuplah the door. whoever entry will drink, and whoever drink will not feel hungry for forever" [Hadith history Bukhari 4/95, Muslim 1152, and additional lafadz the end there on the history of IBN khuzaimah in shahihnya 1903]

[copied from the book of the nature of shaum Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi WhatsApp sallam FII Ramadan, edition Indonesia mascara fasting Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi WhatsApp sallam by Shaykh Salim bin IED Inter alia-hilaaly, Sheikh Ali Hasan Abdul Hamid, issue library Inter alia-haura, translator Abdurrahman Mubarak ATA]

Thank you for reading this article and hopefully from the above explanation we can realize how important it is the synchronization between human beings and the creatures of God's creation.


and thanks for the upvot in my post in steemit a few days back this. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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