Pahala Puasa has no limitations
From the hadith Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhhu:
"Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said, 'Every charity Adam's son did for him, except for fasting. Indeed the fast is for me. I will reward her ... '"
In the narrative of the Muslim Imam mentioned:
"Every charity Adam's son will do is multiply. One benefit multiplied to ten to seven hundred times. Then Allah Azza wa Jalla said, "Except for fasting. Indeed the fast is for me and it is my reward. The fasting person left the lust and ate it for me alone. "(Sahih Muslim (II / 807) Kitaabush Shiyaam about Fadhlush Shiyaam). Imam an-Nawawi rahimahullah said, "The Word of Allah Ta'ala which states, 'And it is I who rewarded him,' is a clear explanation of the greatness of Allah's grace and the abundance of his reward for the noble and generous if they proclaim that he himself who will bear his reckoning, shows how much the reward he has to offer and the extent of the gifts he gives. "(Narasim Nawawi li Shahiih Muslim (VIII / 29) Only Allah is the best reward for His fasting servant for him.
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