
Every day my desire to have my own business is greater. For days I have been thinking about the possibility of having something here in my own house, my dad had a car and it is deteriorating because it has no rubbers and there is no means to fix it and be able to work on it. So I've been thinking that it would be ideal to turn it into a cupcake food truck.
Living in this country is not easy, but I think we need to believe in our country and bet on it! So as long as I can, I will stay and fight for that dream that I have. I hope I can make some money here in steemit I have to invest in this idea that I have, little by little I will tell you everything. What do you think? It will be a good idea to have a food truck?
Hola Denisse!!
Te saludamos desde Chile!. Sabemos que ha sido duro golpe tu país. Si tu crees que mereces prosperar desde allá, te mandamos el mejor de los apoyos psicologicos jaja. Nos gusta la idea de tu emprendimiento, es un mercado que ha estado popular en america del sur, los "foodtracks". Si tu idea es construirlo y vender, entonces.. que venderías? cuentanos un poco más, nosotros somos emprendedores y si buscas esta red para iniciar un negocio y/o promover el mismo, nosotros podemos orientarte :)
Crear una plataforma sobre la base de blockchain sería una atractiva idea, así aprovecharías este canal como un medio de comunicación masivo y al mismo tiempo adquieres seguidores por las cuentas de redes sociales más conocidas!
Estaremos atentos a tus posteos!, te mandamos un abrazo y un like seguro!
síguenos en nuestro twitter: @alfacakechile y en steem @alfacake
It sounds like a great idea. I have two suggestions for you.
1.- Go to GoFundme
and see if it works in Venezuela.
I’m sure we can help you 😊 2.- Go to https://smartcash.cc and submit a proposal to start your cupcake truck business accepting SmartCash as currency, tell us how much you’ll need . Please include all your expenses including the new tires in the truck, banners and equipment. When you do it, please post it at steemit and the SmartCash official Discord channel.
I had not thought about that, but it seems like a great idea. Thank you very much
I think a little cupcake stand sounds like a great idea! Are there restaurant codes that you would have to comply with? Here everything is so heavily regulated that it would be really hard to do.
It is not so complicated here. This next week I should investigate more, but it seems to be a great idea. I would like to see if what he said @melip of godfoundme could help me
That sounds like a perfect solution! Let me know if I can help in any way when you write up your proposal to them!
Try to create the account but since I do not have a dollar account or something like that they do not allow me to create the account.
I'm sure @melip will have suggestions about what you should do.
The page of GoFundMe tells me this

So, since Gofundme won't work, try suggestion no. 2. I don't know about smart cash, but it sounds promising !