Marriage and Beliefs

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

Marry someone with whom you share the same beliefs.

A little background story...

There's a story circling around, about a woman who died at childbirth because her husband refused her doctor's advice for a blood transfusion, saying it was against his beliefs.


Let me first say that this is very sad, and painful.

Let me also say that I don't believe, in any way, that blood transfusions are bad.

Now, when I heard this story, I was at the salon, and two of the stylists where arguing.

One of them believed what the husband believed, that blood transfusion is wrong, and the other believed that it was a stupid belief, and the man should have compromised when it became a case of life and death.

I took no sides. Why?

  1. I don't agree with the conclusion that blood transfusions are bad.

  2. I don't think beliefs are meant to be changed suddenly when faced with life threatening situations.

  3. I had a different view of the incident.

The stylist who saw the need for compromise said if she were the woman, she would have signed the forms herself, and I asked her a simple question, "What if the woman believed the same?"

She was temporarily speechless.

But there was another question which I didn't ask her, "What if the woman believed differently, but was not in the right state to sign anything?"

It means at that point, her life was in her husband's hands, and because he believed something different, she died.


This thought opened, further, my eyes to the need for one to marry someone who shares the same beliefs with them.

You can't be traveling different roads and be happily married, except you are not truly a believer of whatever it is you believe.

Because one true test of your belief is when you are faced with life and death situations. That is when you will be tested on the strength of your conviction.

Will you stand? If you will, then it's best you marry someone like you in that regard, for two can't work together except they be agreed.

Our beliefs and values are what makes us us.

I am a Seventh-Day Adventist, and I know that I believe the Sabbath day is the day of the Lord, and a day of worship, and that there are foods I should not eat, why would I want to marry someone who sees the Sabbath as just another day, and thinks there's nothing like unclean foods?

We will be at loggerheads, and that is not a good condition for a happy home.


If per chance the lady believed differently, she didn't die the day she needed the blood. She died the day she married someone who had different beliefs.

So here's my stand point...

Build your belief system on truth and conviction, and marry someone with whom you share the same beliefs.

I mourn the woman's death.


You are such a great writer. I love your style. Kudos

I'm humbled. Thank you.

Well said @djoi. It is not really advisable to marry someone with an entirely different belief systems ,as our belief systems can be compared to the software we run on. Our Operating System(OS). Out of it flows our paradigm and perceptions. But if it pleases you and you think you can carry on, you are at freewill, but obedience is better than sacrifice. Go ask Samson, Solomon et al.

Beautifully articulated.
