Calligraphy Painting

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Happy, for all of you best steemit friends.
Let us convey our praise and gratitude to the presence of Almighty God, the Lord of the Universe who endlessly provides guidance and blessings so that we can all gather in this room unhindered and in good condition.

If you want to enjoy life with success as an Artist or Calligrapher then you must be free of worries, worries and fears if you fail and continue to learn to achieve that success. Because there is no success without sincerity.
Better to learn bit by bit, initial letter, color processing and incised but routine, rather than learning art but directly and overnight, the result should be zonk.


Senang, untuk kalian semua teman steemit terbaik.

Mari kita sampaikan pujian dan rasa syukur kita kepada kehadiran Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, Tuhan Semesta Alam yang tanpa henti memberikan bimbingan dan berkat sehingga kita semua dapat berkumpul di ruangan ini tanpa hambatan dan dalam kondisi yang baik.

Jika Anda ingin menikmati hidup dengan kesuksesan sebagai Artis atau Kaligrafer maka Anda harus bebas dari kekhawatiran, kekhawatiran dan ketakutan jika Anda gagal dan terus belajar untuk mencapai kesuksesan itu. Karena tidak ada kesuksesan tanpa kesungguhan.

Lebih baik belajar sedikit demi sedikit, huruf awal, pemrosesan warna dan menorehkan tetapi rutin, daripada belajar seni tetapi langsung dan semalam, hasilnya harus zonk.




Learning calligraphy does not require talent. Talent arises because there is intention and interest. Then with the training process and continue to learn, I myself do not know what this scribble means.
I've been looking for good results but not maximized.

For any Calligraphy Championship if the result of cheating. Despite the poor results and defeat in the race, but at least my honesty has been upheld from my own work.


Belajar kaligrafi tidak membutuhkan bakat. Bakat muncul karena ada niat dan minat. Kemudian dengan proses pelatihan dan terus belajar, saya sendiri tidak tahu apa artinya coretan ini.
Saya sudah mencari hasil yang bagus tetapi belum maksimal.

Untuk Kejuaraan Kaligrafi apa pun jika hasil dari kecurangan. Meskipun hasil buruk dan kekalahan dalam lomba, tapi setidaknya kejujuran saya telah ditegakkan dari pekerjaan saya sendiri.




There is no limit in making beautiful calligraphy artwork, I will continue to improve my skills in this graffiti, then surely, the art will strengthen my beautiful days.

thanks to everyone who has visited my blog.

We apologize for the mistakes in typing and translations.


Tidak ada batasan dalam membuat karya seni kaligrafi yang indah, saya akan terus meningkatkan keterampilan saya dalam grafiti ini, maka pasti, seni akan memperkuat hari-hari indah saya.

terima kasih kepada semua orang yang telah mengunjungi blog saya.

Kami mohon maaf atas kesalahan dalam pengetikan dan terjemahan.



Very beautiful. The first three have left me speechless. I cannot fathom how you do this. Wonderful.

amazing art @r2cornell

I totally agree with you sir @r2cornell. Its very beautiful especially the dove photography.

You are lucky to have been in this place with us @masniaty all thanks, @r2corell success is always for you.

Beautiful art.good job sir.always sucses for you.

it's really awesome...............
calligraphy..great to share...amazing
.thank's for sharing....

resteem done

yes sir i agree with you

Thank you so much sir, you who have amazing ability and your kindness, I am amazed.
prosperous always accompanies you.

ehh this is just the usual scribble package, I myself make the art of calligraphy still in amateur stage, but determined to pursue the success, I always try.

Success is always for you, sir.

Right sir very beautiful photography

nothing to say,,just owesome

really marvelous dear @r2cornell

Thanks for you sir

Sir I appreciate your every post.

Semoga sehat selalu dan terus menjadi sukses

Syukur Alhamdulillah #putri terimakasih banyak , semoga kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan juga menyertai mu. 👌

Very beautiful art...i have nothing to say..

Its really beautiful. I really love this kind of artwork. Its totally awesome.


Very beautiful. The first three have left me speechless. I cannot fathom how you do this. Wonderful.

I totally agree with you sir @r2cornell. Its very beautiful especially the dove photography.

You are lucky to have been in this place with us @masniaty all thanks, @r2corell success is always for you.

yes sir i agree with you

Sir I appreciate your every post.

Right sir very beautiful photography

Very beautiful art...i have nothing to say..

Please Stop - @moeenalis

You just said "beautiful art","very beautiful" and in your your last 100 comments you used 35 phrases considered to be spam and you made this exact same comment 1 times. You've received 1 flags and you may see more on comments like these. These comments are the reason why your Steem Sincerity API classification scores are Spam: 67.60% and Bot: 0.90%

Please stop making comments like this and read the ways to avoid @pleasestop and earn the support of the community.

Thank you so much sir, you who have amazing ability and your kindness, I am amazed.
prosperous always accompanies you.

Semoga sehat selalu dan terus menjadi sukses

excellent post .

really marvelous dear @r2cornell

Beautiful photography sir,,

Very beautiful art..

Syukur Alhamdulillah #putri terimakasih banyak , semoga kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan juga menyertai mu. 👌

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