The twilight pearl in the afternoon. (two language)

in #esteem7 years ago

Hello friends! Happy breaking the fast, for you who run it with sincerity and perfect. In a gentle voice, on this occasion, I will, give you the benefit, beautiful natural beauty that offers a quiet twilight.

Halo teman-teman! Selamat berbuka puasa, bagi Anda yang menjalankannya dengan ikhlas dan sempurna. Dengan suara lembut, pada kesempatan ini, saya akan, memberi Anda manfaat, keindahan alam yang indah yang menawarkan senja yang tenang.#Indonesia



the beautiful thing that I should enjoy every day is the beauty of dusk in the afternoon? Good! Why is it? Twilight called something special? because emang afternoons that bener-bener beautiful, guns only sunset that always adorn the afternoon sky, but the atmosphere of the wind also adds to the comfortable atmosphere of dusk to relax enjoy the sun on the western horizon. for those of you who are too busy with activities or work of course the afternoon becomes a high price to enjoy, yes! probably because we are too busy until we do not have time to just enjoy the selfie while relaxing. but for you who can take your time, ya gunainlah time soremu as possible.


hal indah yang harus saya nikmati setiap hari adalah keindahan senja di sore hari? Baik! Kenapa sih? Twilight menyebut sesuatu yang spesial? karena emang sore hari yang bener-bener indah, ngga hanya sunset yang selalu menghiasi langit sore, tapi suasana angin juga menambah suasana senja yang nyaman untuk bersantai menikmati matahari di ufuk barat. bagi anda yang terlalu sibuk dengan kegiatan atau pekerjaannya tentu saja sore hari menjadi harga tinggi untuk dinikmati, ya! mungkin karena kita terlalu sibuk sampai kita tidak punya waktu untuk sekedar menikmati selfie sambil bersantai. tapi buat kamu yang bisa mengambil waktumu, ya gunainlah waktu soremu sebaik mungkin.



I know? The time is the best time to tell the story of my longing for the world, for there I will find the answer between the wind and the twilight seconds disappearing from sight.


Aku tahu? Saatnya adalah waktu terbaik untuk menceritakan kisah kerinduan saya kepada dunia, karena di sana saya akan menemukan jawaban antara angin dan detik-detik senja menghilang dari pandangan.


In my village, dusk in the village is different from the city, dusk is usually in the village when the farmers have completed the activation of the farm or anything from the rice fields after days of grappling with farm equipment. dusk in my village is cool, not like the dusk in the city I used to stop, noisy with the sound of vehicles, dusk in the village, cool and peaceful. do not believe it? please come my way, sure you will feel the cool atmosphere.


Di desa saya, senja di desa berbeda dari kota, senja biasanya di desa ketika para petani telah menyelesaikan aktivasi pertanian atau apa pun dari sawah setelah hari bergulat dengan peralatan pertanian. senja di desa saya sejuk, tidak seperti senja di kota yang biasa saya hentikan, berisik dengan suara kendaraan, senja di desa, sejuk dan damai. tidak percaya itu? silakan datang dengan cara saya, yakin Anda akan merasakan suasana yang sejuk.

The sunset is very beautiful on the western horizon,
Sweet smile behind orange cheeks flushed
Your light is very cold on the edge of my eyes
Your gentleness softens the tweets of nature's tweets.


Matahari terbenam sangat indah di ufuk barat,
Senyum manis di balik pipi oranye memerah
Cahaya Anda sangat dingin di tepi mata saya
Kelemahlembutan Anda melembutkan tweet alam.

Good evening friends steemit everything, hopefully your news always be a blessing.
Thank you very much for your visit here, provide comments and suggestions.

We apologize for any errors in writing and translations.

Author: @edinhazard

Category: enjoy the twilight on the western horizon.


Selamat malam teman-teman steemit semuanya, semoga berita Anda selalu menjadi berkah.

Terima kasih banyak atas kunjungan Anda di sini, berikan komentar dan saran.

Kami mohon maaf atas kesalahan dalam menulis dan terjemahan.

Penulis: @edinhazard

Kategori: menikmati senja di ufuk barat.



Very beautiful photographs. Thank you for sharing

Thanks for sharing too, sir. Success And all your mutual prosperity, sir.

Wonderfully beautiful photos. How beautiful are these moments. Of course, I'm sad for these moments. But your photos are awesome. thank you

You can try it, in the afternoon before a friend.
Your sadness will turn into love. @raha 👌

Be sure to do I do. Thank you for your suggestion

I love to hear, I like it, I salute 🤗
Thanks for your visit, I know you now.
Are you from Iran? @raha

Yes I am from Iran


Senja yang begitu indah, benar-benar bagaikan mutiara, sungguh anda beruntung bisa melihat dan berbagi foto indah jadi semua orang bisa menyaksikannya

thank you, @arifikob You can try to see moments like this. thank you for visiting.