Great minds think a like, the lower premiums and ability to of the vallue of the policy to grow are the reasons I stated when I explained why he should get one when he was younger. Unfortunately, he came to realize the value of insurance at an earlry age. It waz my husbands life insurance that paid for his college education.
You are providing a valuable service to people who need.
Posted using Partiko Android
I would like to think so too that I am doing something valuable for those who really need it. When I began to understand insurance I was already 43 years old and my premium payments were already expensive. In 2006 I made a major career decision which went south and for the longest of time my finances just went from bad to worse to worst. Eventually I had to sacrifice my insurance because the premiums were a big drain to my finances. When I was able to recover I couldn't get insurance anymore for health reasons. That's why my passion to educate people about the benefits of insurance is so strong because I do not want them to suffer the same plight as mine.
Hopefully, people are listening and learning from your experience.
Posted using Partiko Android