in #esteem5 years ago


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This is an action which is intend to ridicule a person for his/her mistakes, failures, vulnerability, accident. This kind of irritation behaviour is mostly found in our societies especially in these areas, work places, schools, religious associations such churches, mosques, governmental and non governmental organizations (private organizations). To my biggest surprise, church and other religious association areas which are suppose to show love and kindness are sometimes the areas you actually find cold laughter, in spite of the religious teachings against it.

Let's have a bit conversation here.

How do you feel when a friend of you laugh at you just because you always fail in maths exams (your vulnerability)?

How do you feel, when you missed steps or step on a slippery object and fall accidentally and someone burst into a cold laughter just because you have fell? If you will be honest with yourself and me, you will confess that, the cold laughter from your friend did put you into emotional trauma. Emotional trauma which could provoke you resulting into fight or dispute when emotions are not controlled.

This is the same situation with others when we display a habit of cold laughter. As humans created by God, we should show love, kindness and decent behaviours to our fellow human. That's the sense of humanity the Creator expect from us. Support your fellow human by helping him/her to work on his/her weakness, encouraging and giving him/her tips on how to overcome these failures, saying sorry to him/her when he/she slip and fall accidentally. Cold laughter is a bad, so we must desist from it

I hope anyone with this cold laughter habit will turn a new leaf after reading through this article.

Psychology tip for the day 👉 Warm laughter heals and inspires but cold laughter causes emotional pains.

Thanks for stopping by and reading through.

This Content is originally authored by I, (Acheampong Emmanuel) excluding the image.
