Irrespective of what you have been through in the past, you have the ability to start again, making this moment a starting point for tageted action. Decide to make this very day a starting point for new joy! You have the power to stop wallowing in the past defeats. Begin anew right way!
Don't get stuck in the failures of the past. They are all a bygone. Focus on what is anew, and start afresh through engaging your best thoughts and creative intellects. You are never defeated until you give on to failures. Reactivate your energy to create a great future. Start now! Wait no more!
It is true you may have made some mistakes in the past, but this moment presents you with the opportunity to correct those mistakes. You have surely acquired some skills and learnt some lessons in the processes of testing out your failed endeavors. You can now put these lesson to good use in new and purposeful way.
The part of your life that you can control, begins right now. Seize this shiny new opportunity and make the most of it. This is your starting point for achievement, adventure, love, enlightenment and more. This is your starting point for living your life in the best ways you can imagine. Feel the energy of all the new possibilities that have just been born. Now, from this great new starting point, jump forward and make those possibilities REAL. Source
Look not back, keep moving. Go and conquer for the sky shall be your starting point.
Yours truly,
We should not be afraid to try again. We gain nothing by reminiscing on failure or padt glory. Always put in more effort than before. Consistency is the key.
Exactly, my dear. Thanks for being here.
I must say sir there is magic in these words. I really felt tense free for some moment. You are doing fabulous work. keep doing good work.
Hahahahahsh my friend. Thanks for appreciating my work. God bless you