Have you ever scratched sharp objects such as broken glass or knives?

in #esteem7 years ago


@sweetsssj @ririn @dsatria @puncakbukit @halimabe @mukhtar.juned @levycore @aiqabrago @zainalbakri @yahqan @usmanosama @amun @ayijufridar @mime @imran786 @steemvest17 @mariska.lubis @lusanamaya @joseph @apprentice001 @amryksr @cqf @muammar @meysam @racii @rismanrachman @yogaunimal @bukhairidin @feruz @isteemit @kingxerxesdex @maysteemi @good-karma @amunphoto @jesca @steem78 @jasmadiyunus @crypto.hype @benimardaniat @acehpungo @abid2017 @zappero @safwaninisam @teukumukhlisi @Steemindovote @imranpase @abulaot @varunpinto @aishwarya @shenoy @komal @gutzygwin @suheri

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@faisalina85 <<<

[source] (Image aksi cepat tanggap) It is sad if we see the suffering experienced by our relentless war-stricken brethren in various parts of the world such as Palestinians, Syria and some other unrelenting countries will be the sound of various ammunition from rebels and government soldiers Back to topics above How does it feel ?! Pain is not it? but your pain is small because you're grown, look at them little boy and even a toddler bloody crushed ruins, hit by a bomb explosion, it's real incident is not engineering like a movie movie on the screen, try to think briefly imagine if it happened to you or your family . Remember all humans will not escape the disaster as well as you and definitely need the help of others, just as those who really need our help and helping hand. Let us bersinerngi together to help ease the burden of our brothers who are in Syria. . Come on buddy we help our brother who is in syria to lighten his burden . Distribute your best donation to the Syrian children through HURIYAH PROJECT Syria BNI Syariah Account 66 00022 009 an. Aksi Cepat Tanggap https://schoolofminnows.dnsd.info/ vote / faisalina85 https://schoolofminnows.dnsd.info/view/faisalina85