Daily Prayer to the Lord 07/13/2018

in #esteem7 years ago

At that time Jesus said “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." Matthew 11:27


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Dear steemeans

Jesus, gives the Word of the Father, comes to realize God's plan for us to be happy, because we are in friendship with God and in harmony with all human beings and with creation. This happiness demands that all injustice, oppression, exploitation of the weakest be suppressed. Jesus makes present the justice of God who defends the right of the poor and the oppressed.

The love of God has no boundaries: salvation extends to and must be announced in every corner of the earth (Mathew 28 19). It is a love that is given to all equally: God does not divide humanity into good and bad (Mathew 5 45).

The most outstanding characteristic of Jesus' ministry is the merciful love of his Father. All their gestures and attitudes, their preferences are guided by that love. Jesus approaches the poor and marginalized. Receive the excluded, the despised who does not. We see him when he touches the leper to heal him (Mark 1 42). He has compassion on the widow of Naim who is left alone and helpless (Luke 7 13).

In an original way Jesus shows the love of God, eats with tax collectors and prostitutes. His attitude scandalizes the Pharisees (Mark 2 16).

With different parables reaffirms that his attitude is nothing but a reflection of what his Father does.

He also extended his friendship to women. Thus the gospel mentions Martha and Mary, Mary Magdalene whom I incorporate to his mission and accompany him in his ministry. He scolds the disciples who take children away from his presence and pities and helps the sick and needy.

In Psalm 107 we have in praise the constant love of the Lord.

Psalm 107:1-3
A psalm of David.
1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—
those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,
3 those he gathered from the lands,
from east and west, from north and south


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Lord God, strength of those who wait for you, come kindly to our call and since without you nothing can our human weakness, always give us the help of your grace so that in fulfillment of your will, we always please you in our desires and actions.

We thank you Lord for all the spiritual and material benefits that you give us throughout our lives, allow us to reward you with our works and our love, granted by you.

Receive us, Lord, since we have awaited your resurrection even in times of tribulation, give us a good spirit that will be an instrument of your peace.

Lord, comfort all humanity that suffers world problems in different aspects, free it from oppression, evil and despair.

For all the members of this #steemchurch community so that we can be a witness of conversion and fidelity to your commandment of love.

You Live and Reign, for ever and ever. Amen.

Waiting for your upvotes , comments and resteem.

Best regards


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Image cortesy of @riosparada

Edited with eSteem Surfer


So is. The unconditional love of the Father shown through Jesus Christ. Reflection of his glory. Of his compassion.

El amor de Dios es tan maravilloso.
Buena vibra.

Asi es estimada amiga @angelica7, su amor es infinito hacia la humanidad.

Hola Felix. Te tengo buenas noticias.

Tú tienes reputación 50, así que te corresponden $40, mira este video, allí te dice lo que tienes que hacer:

Muchas gracias amigo @th2017, la verdad es que no tenia conocimiento de ello, es mas ya voy camino de una reputacion de 51. Recibe mis afectos