Lengkeng fruit

in #esteem7 years ago

Litchi fruit is also called longan, matakucing, or longan, Dimocarpus longan, tribe lerak-lerakan or Sapindaceae is a fruit plant originating from mainland Southeast Asia. image

The tree can reach 40 m high and stem diameter up to about 1 m. Leaf compound, with 2-4 (-6) pairs of leaflets, mostly feathered tightly on the axial part. Leaf stalk 1-20 cm, 0,5-3,5 cm leaflets. Child round leaf lengthwise, long lk. 1-5 times the width, varying from 3 to 45 × 1.5-20 cm, pressing to warm, with feathers especially on the bottom near the leaf repeating.

Litchi flowers are generally at the end (flos terminalis), 4-80 cm long, bushy with feathers, umbrella shapes menggarpu. Crown flower five strands, length up to 6 mm.


It is tasty!