Google cancels Cryptocurrency “ad ban”

in #esteem6 years ago



Many of perhaps don’t remember that our friends at Google cracked down on crypto ads at the end of the winter crytpo rush and price rise.

Google has announced a shift in it’s ad policy starting in October (what timing).

Is this a big deal? I think it’s another important sign or number of data points lining up in favor of a positive crypto trend. Just like Fidelity came public and said their crypto offering would be made available by 2019.

Marketing is important. People need to see advertising for products or offerings (from a Fidelity ....see where I am going).

Many leading companies will have a crypto offering. They will want to advertise them on Google like everything else they do.

It’s a good sign!



It can no longer ban, or more people will use brave browser and get paid in Basic attention token

LOL...isn’t that the truth!

Behind the scenes planning, nothing haphazard.

Yes...keep adding up this information and it gives us positive direction.

Massive adoption under way. Right on key for a 2021 target. But don’t be fleeced by just every token out there!! Buy the good ones now. They will never get cheaper.

I agree my friend...stick with quality.