I would advise to seperate the two.
Most scorum members don’t like steem and some even have a hatred against steemmonsters.
Also be aware that if you want to cross post, you will need to post first on Scorum. Otherwise the pay-out on scorum will be lowered. They have a plagiarism bot who discovers this.
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GOOD . I like that answer. No cross post and cross contest
It looks like I win my first bet today. So now I know how to bet. Next step is to figure out how to "lay" or give an odds to another player. I love that part in betfair
Please - Also if you see something strange or not good in my blogpost. Feel free to tell me. A lot of people helped me in the beginning of Steemit and I know it is good to listen to "oldies"
Will do!
Is affilite or refereallinks allowed in scorum? It is in steemit but I guess no no at scorum.
Take small step by step to learn everything .
Posted using Partiko Android
I wouldn’t use theat the moment. Lot of battles are going around at the moment. People were very unpleased with your welcome gift! Just try to stays away from the battles and if you run into one, let us know! Us is @beat-the-bookies, @costanza or myself!
See discord - / thanks