Bro, this is from one of my posts very many moons ago. Although this may not uplift your spirit now, still I remembered this post as I read your article and I really feel your pain and anguish. But we are on this earth to love and your hardship now is because of your love of family.
The airport.
This must be the one place on earth where tears are shed the most. I remember one motivational seminar I attended years ago. Our facilitator was discussing about words and emotional responses when he asked the participants for a show of hands who were spouses of OFW's. A few hands went up. Then he asked them what their response to the word airport was. Silence. Then one participant began crying uncontrollably. Between sobs and heaves she finally explained that her husband just left for Saudi the day before and they had a very teary farewell. Soon all the spouses began admitting that the word airport was the most hated but also the most loved for them. It elicited both extreme sadness and joy to them. Sadness and helplessness whenever their partners depart for the country of work but then unbridled joy when they arrive. Through all these emotional roller coaster rides the tears were always free flowing.
Hopefully one day, and I hope soon, the word airport will mean only one thing for you and family - Vacation with mommy and daddy! Be strong @long888. You are the rock and hero of your family.
You can check the post here if you want to read it which I dedicated to all OFW's.
Thank you sir, yes its hard but I am willing to bear the pain being away because I love my family and I only want the best for them. I just had one regret in life, maybe some wrong decisions in the past which caused me to be where I am now. If only I stayed in my very first employer after college I should have receiving the same or even more than what I am having here every month while being with my family.
Although I know things happen fo a reason and I know this is not for always...
God bless you sir and the whole family!
It may help to know that all that is happening to you is part of the great plan of the Lord for you. Ang Ginoo na ang nagboot ana. He wanted you there. The best thing to do is to blossom and flourish where you are as this is a sign of your acceptance of His will. God bless you and your family more and always.