Rice is the origin of rice. Rice is the main requirement of Indonesian people to meet the needs of carbohydrates. Once the community depends on the needs of rice or rice, causing rice or rice to be a major requirement and must be fulfilled. The sufficiency and success of rice cultivation becomes the determinant to meet the need, without human rice will not get rice, while rice is the main thing in the household supply that is to be made rice as human staple food.
Every cultivation plant can not be separated from pest destruction that destroys plants therefore we must prevent it. Usually there are some pests that disrupt the cultivation of rice crops such as rats, grasshoppers, planthopper to pineapple, usually done by spraying the pest for good rice and far from pest disturbance so that at the time of harvest farmers can satisfactory results, because at the time of harvest is a time eagerly awaited by a farmer, because the harvest is a result of hard-earned so far in processing rice plants.