Never Stop To Learn

in #esteem7 years ago


We are born into a world of naked, with nothing. The first time we are present in this world, we can only cry, and greeted with smiles and happy laughter of parents and families who await our presence. If we were born laughing directly, maybe our first mother who will faint. As the days pass, we begin to stomach, to crawl, to stand, and through struggle filled with falling, we can finally walk.

At first we can not do anything, but because we learn to walk, we become able to walk. At first we can not talk, usually cry if we are hungry and want something else; by learning to talk, we are now so articulate, even many who speak disrupt ... At first we can not read and write, then we go to school and learn to read and write, now we are good at reading. So, at first we can not, but by learning now we become able. The key word is learning.

Furthermore, after we grow up, we also struggle to give up to achieve our goals. Some have succeeded in achieving the dreams they dreamed of and others who have not or have not succeeded. Who has managed to realize his ideals or dreams are usually called successful people. At least succeed by definition itself. Especially if his wealth is abundant, surely the people around him call him a "successful person". Yes it is true, at least he has been a material success even though the true meaning of success is not merely about the material. The bad news is that very few people enjoy the gift of success, or in other words most of our population is still unsuccessful (if reluctant to be called a failure) to achieve what it dreams or call it "success".

Then now, crowds of people race to pursue success. Even though some of the people in the race did not understand what he was after and asked the other participants, "I'm sorry, I can ask. We're racing to pursue success. Actually what is success? "
Resentfully the participant replied, "You are what, success period just do not know. Lha wong I also dont know ... "

Ha .. ha .. ha .., this is just kidding. The moral message of the above snippet is actually there or many of us who actually do not yet understand the real meaning of success according to our own definition based on our inner voice. Then, how are we going to pursue something that is not yet clear? How will we realize our dream if the dream is still vague?

So as a first step, we have to know who we really are, know our highest purpose in life, and know our mission of life in this world. Then now the question is whether success can be learned? The answer is yes, success can be learned.

Many experts and researchers have formulated philosophies to achieve success through long research from the experiences of successful people in the world. Many of us also encounter books of motivation and the secret of success written by experts and experts in the field.